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Author-San here again!😁

So i'm just gonna warn y'all that this gonna be really short cause it's just a little something before we get to the real chapter but you should read it anyway.

Now on to the story!📃


}~ 3 P.O.V ~{

Kunugigaoka Academy, a junior high that's full with activate, the sunlit classrooms packed with students desperately trying to keep they're grades up knowing the fate they'll face if they don't. Classmates rushing to and from they're classrooms not wanting to suffer the consequences of being tardy, all........except for one.

"I'm lost, aren't i?" a brown skinned, purple haired boy said quietly to himself in a monotone voice which was laced with only a hint of worry as he stared at a sheet of paper that had the words [ End-class ] printed in big, bold, black letters, along with other important things. "Now let's see..." he look up from the paper form "it has to be around here......somewhere... maybe i can ask someone for...directions...." the purplette sweat dropped a little when he looked around saw that the once busy courtyard that was bustling with life was now quiet and nearly empty, the short male just closed his eyes and sighed, and then started walking in a random direction. 'I should start moving, even if i don't know where i'm going it's better then just standing around and waiting for a miracle to happen' he thought as he continued his aimless walking.

"Hey cutie!" a voice called causing the purple haired male to stop and turn in the voice's direction, to his -what people would call surprise- he saw a tall-ish (well......from his height every ones tall), ravenette male jogging up to him 'Perfect, now i can ask this guy where End class is located' the ravenette had now stopped in front of him, panting a little from the jog "Shouldn't a cutie be heading to class" the black haired male said standing up from his bent over position "i could say the same thing to you" the other boy reply and his usual monotone voice, the ravenette sneaked a quick peek that the purplette's chest but disappointment he met as he saw nothing but flatness 'she could at least be a C cup' he thought to himself.

"Look, your probably the new girl here and you don't know your way around yet, all i wanted to tell you is that your heading the wrong way" he turned around and pointed in the opposite direction "Classes 3 A - 3 D are that way" he follow taller male's finger and looked in the direction he was pointing in "Thank you but first of all i'm boy...." "Then why are you wea-" he stop mid-sentence and sweat dropped once he saw the intense glare that was coming from the shorter male "And second....i'm looking for somewhere name End-class?" the tall boy's eyes widened a bit at the mention of the words End class.

"Um...well.." he nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he felt the stare of two indigo orbs burning through his head "well what?" the male said in his normal monotone voice but you could tell he was getting impatient as he waited for the tall boy to finish "'s just that...your looking for-" "End class" both boys turned and saw a guy with orange hair walking towards them with four other boys following behind him "Or more commonly known as Class 3 E" he stop a few feet away from the purplette and glared 'why are you glaring at-'re not glaring at me but at something behind me....but what could....' i followed his line of sight and saw the tall ravenette sweating bullets while trembling a little bit 'oh....that makes more sense' the short male thought as he nodded to himself.

"Shouldn't you be in class Kaito? unless you want to end up like him" the orange haired boy stated while gesturing at the purplette 'how am i involved in this?......... at least he got my gender right' the male being pointed at thought "Your totally right Asano" kaito's sweating increased has he started backing, frantically waving his hands in front him has he continued talking "I should really be heading to um..bye!" Kaito say nervously has he started speed walking in the direction he previously pointed in, the purplette just stared at him for a few seconds and then made eye contact once Kaito turn his head to see who was looking at him, after staring at each other for a couple of seconds Kaito smiled and waved at the short male before sprinting off towards his class.

"And you.." the now annoyed purplette turned to face Asano and his 'friends'? "So your Alexander Collartion, the student father's talk'en so highly about" Alexander stared at the group of males in front of him as the ringleader looked him up and down "No wonder you were put in E-class, don't you think it's unacceptable to even step foot on our school's ground in such attire?" a few snickers came from the group of boys as Asano crossed his arms and smirked to himself "How foolish of you, focusing on such little things as clothing, you'll never succeed if you concentrate on such minor details, also it's not good for one's character but i guess one would have to have a character first" the purplette said rather coldly "Now, where is E-class?" Alexander asked back to his monotone voice as he looked around with a blank expression of his face.

The smirk Asano once wore was now replaced by an angry scowl "It's that way" Asano pointed to the bottom of an hill that disappeared into a dense forest, Alexander nodded started walking in the direction the male pointed in "A word of advice Alexander" the purple haired male turned his whole body around to look at Asano "Know your place E-classier" the short male just stared at him blankly, blinking a few times before speaking "Oh Asano......i think anything above you is my place" stated the purplette before turning back around resuming his walk to E-class 'it's not even halfway through the day and I've already made an enemy' he thought sighing as he made it to the bottom the the hill which now looked more like a mountain that lead to E-class, he looked up the path and into a thick woodland forest "this is the way to E-class huh.....well then.....

"E-class here i come!"


I'm finally done with the prologue!!! 😆 Now time for a Kaito's bio!

Name: Kaito Tanaka

Gender: Male

Age: fifteen (will be explained later in the story)

Height: 5'10 (178) Cm

Weight: 160 Lbs

(i'm not the artist of this, if you are the creator of this drawing please tell me so i can credit you)

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(i'm not the artist of this, if you are the creator of this drawing please tell me so i can credit you)

Personality: childlike, playful, sometimes immature, flirty, a kinda horn dog but in a cute way, supportive, gentle giant (cause his tall af) caring, acts innocence when in trouble, talkative.

Likes: basketball, talking, breasts and butts (can be either gender) eating, video games, anime, making new friends, Alexander, affection, little kids.

Dislikes: bullies, people who make fun of Alexander, anything school related, manual labor, his classmates, anything disgusting, pervs, being ignored.


Okay so next updated should be in the next 3-5 days and if i don't update then i'm dead lolol 😂 i gotta low key re watch assclass cause i don't remember the fucking timeline anyway.....

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Until next time young assassins 🐱‍👤

Author-San out!

} Word Count: 1292 {

} The Perfect Assassin {Where stories live. Discover now