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Changbin's eyes slowly fluttered open, gradually adjusting to the brightness of the room he was in. He then blinked, internal alarms blaring in his head when he realized the position he was in.

Throughout the course of the night Felix's limbs had managed to get even more tangled with Changbin. The half demon didn't know how or when that happened, because it wasn't like he'd been able to catch some sleep with how close Felix had been to him.

Changbin bit back a gasp, before gently prying Felix's arms off him. It was hard, but he didn't want to wake Felix up just yet. It was still early, as far as Changbin could see. After he did so, he sat up on the bed and watched how Felix basically grabbed for the nearest thing to him, which happened to be a pillow.

Changbin chuckled at Felix's cuteness, but then stopped, because he didn't want the Australian to hear him. He slid off the bed, and silently made his way into the nearest bathroom, hoping that no one else was around.

As soon as he entered, he pulled off his mask and quickly washed his face to get rid of any tiredness that could've been left.

Then he looked up at the mirror in front of him, and for once he didn't experience the brief feeling of digust he usually felt when he saw his face. He looked at his face from a neutral point of view.

He still looked the same, safe for the tiny blotches of red tinting his cheeks due to the cold water he'd washed his face with. His fangs weren't that visible, since he wasn't talking or smiling, and his eyes were red.

Really red. It was so recognizable, that Changbin almost scared himself by looking at them. Why were they so vibrant and noticeable? He wasn't angry, and he wasn't threatened either. He felt fine, his heart was beating steadily, and he was even trying to hide his smile, all because of a certain Australian.

Were his eyes red because of something else entirely? Despite being a demon hybrid, Changbin didn't know a lot about people like him except for the basic information that his mother graced him with when he was younger. He'd never looked up anything else about half demons on the internet to know more about his kind, because he didn't want to embrace that part of himself. He'd always been shamed for it, so over the years he started to loathe what he was. He suddenly remembered Chan, a fellow half demon, and wondered if the taller had the answer as to why his eyes were being like this.

Several knocks snapped Changbin out of his thoughts. "Is someone in there?"

The half demon could recognize that deep, raspy voice anywhere. "Uh, I--I'm inside."

"Oh," Changbin could almost hear the smile in Felix's voice, "well, good morning, Changbin."

"Good morning." Changbin quickly brought his mask up his face, shielding his nose and lips from view, but his bright red eyes were still visible. He disn't know what he could do about them. "Tone it down, goddammit," he mumbled.

"Did you say anything?" Felix asked.

Changbin shook his head. "I-I didn't. Uh--" he walked up to the door and quickly opened it, making sure that Felix would not be able to see his eyes. "You can use the bathroom now."

Felix gave him a thumbs up. "Okay. Just wanna brush my teeth." His head slightly cocked to the side and his eyebrows knitted together. Gently nudging Changbin's shoulder, he asked, "Hey, Changbin?"

"Uhm, yes?"

"Why are you avoiding my eyes?" Obviously Felix had noticed, just like how Felix always noticed whenever something was off with Changbin.

Changbin shook his head, before he started walking away. "I'm not avoiding your eyes."

To the shorter's surprise, Felix suddenly spun him around until their faces were just mere centimeters away from each other. Felix's neutral expression switched into one of clear wonder when his eyes fell on Changbin's own.

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