Best Thing: Part L: Chapter Eleven:

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Nick & Cassidy decided to get some rest, & they told Nash, that they would be back with some of his things, He thanked them, & walked them out, & he was back at her side instantly, cause he didn't want to miss her waking up

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Nick & Cassidy decided to get some rest, & they told Nash, that they would be back with some of his things, He thanked them, & walked them out, & he was back at her side instantly, cause he didn't want to miss her waking up. He held her hand in his own, & vowed right then, & there that he will make it up to her, as long as it takes him.

Harvey & Joe made sure that Garrett was really enjoying his time in prison, Joe arranged his accommodations, while Harvey arranged his nightly booty calls. "You are an evil man, Harvey Leek", Joe said chuckling, Harvey waggled his eyebrows, "And a body to match", he said with a smirk. They continued to chuckle, as they made their way out, to have dinner, & go home afterwards to destress, & relax for a change. They are gonna keep up their plan til Garrett surrenders, & goes to trial.

The Next Morning, Caitlin was having a nightmare, Nash woke up abruptly from his sleep, & was soothing her, "It's okay, Cait, You are safe, It's Nash, You're safe with me", Suddenly, As if was by magic, The Beauty relaxed, & settled in a deeper sleep. Nash was on guard for the rest of the morning, He will get his chance to apologize to her. He kissed her on the top of her head, & said softly to her sleeping form, "I love you, Caitlin Cross, I love you so much", He relaxed, as the day officially started.

Nick & Cassidy had their breakfast, & got ready to start the day, They wanted to spend some time with Nadia, & take over babysitting, since Inger wanted to be with Caitlin, They also promised to take care of Luica at the same time. They were gonna go the museum, & the park for a day of fun. "Everything will be okay, Grandpa", Cassidy said with a smile, as she laid a hand on his. Nick smiled bigger, & said, "I know, Baby, I know", They cleaned up, & went out to start their day. They are determined to make everything normal for those two baby girls.

Caitlin woke up, & moaned out her pain, Nash was ready, & said to her with a smile, "Hey, Babe, Welcome back", He kissed her on her sweet lips. "Naaa...sssssh, I....", She was stopped by the handsome man, & he said, "Don't have to apologize, I am the one who is sorry, I already forgive you", She smiled her gratitude. Nash continued on, "How about a romantic getaway, Me & you ?", Caitlin moaned out in pleasure this time, "Perfect", & she fell asleep, while her lover watched over her, & protected her.

Garrett couldn't take any more of the treatment, that he was receiving, He arranged a visit with Harvey, & Joe, "Please, Please, I can't take much more of this", He practically begged, The Latino Cop said simply, "It's simple, Surrender to the charges, & you will be protected, Tell us where your associates & stash is, You will get treated like a king", Garrett said, "Go fuck yourself, They will kill me, if I open up, & utter a word", Harvey said, "Fine, Be a vegetable, We don't care", They left, & he screamed, as they were doing this, They gave him a minute, & he said he was ready. They went in, & got straight to work.

Inger showed up, & was glad to see that Nash was in better spirits, He filled her in on his chat with Caitlin, when she first woke up. The Swedish Woman was really glad that the couple made such great progress, & told him so. They spent some time talking, & then the SIU Head got tired, & went over to sleep on the next bed, while Inger took over watch on Caitlin. She is willing to do her part to help Caitlin recover easy, & faster, so she can come home to them, "I am so glad you are okay, My Friend", & she kissed her on the cheek, & settled in for the afternoon.

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