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I sat on the bed as Jo came holding a wet towel from the bathroom. She sat next to me and took my busted hand in hers.

She wiped the towel on my bloody knuckles and I let out a hiss taking my hand away from hers.

"Would you sit still for a second?", she said annoyed. "Your hand is not gonna heal itself"

I let out a sigh as I let her grab my hand again. She put the towel on my knuckles and I bit my lip trying to hold the moan of pain that was about to escape my mouth.

When she finished wiping blood she bandaged my hand. She brought my hand to her lips and kissed lightly the covered area.

"Here you go. Good as new", she said smiling.

My face was emotioneless.

"I still don't get how you bruised so bad your hand with one single punch", she tried to joke again but I wasn't following.

"Are you finished being silly about the whole situation or are you not ready to tell me what's going on?", I asked. My voice was harsh and her face fell.

I immediately regretted my words.

I'm the reason she just stopped smiling.

I hate myself.

"Nothing is going on. Just drop it!", she said calmly not looking at me.

"Oh so that's nothing?", I asked sarcastically "I wandered what it would be like if there actually was something going on"

"Hero, can you just leave it alone?", she sighed running a hand through her hair as she stood up from the bed.

"No, I cannot, Jo", I said standing up as well. "What was he talking about? He's hurting you. How the fuck do you excpect me to let that go?", I almost yelled as I was trying to control my voice as much as possible.

"Just do, okay?", she yelled turning to face me. "Forget everything you saw. Forget everything you heard. You don't need to know everything, Hero. I'm mean yeah, we're co-stars but nothing more. So you don't need to know everything about me!"

I took a step back like she had just hit me.

She looked at me like she had regretted her words but she did no movement to take them back.

I blinked once, twice. I let out a breath trying to calm my nerves.

"You are literally impossible"


"You heard me. Who do you think you are?", I yelled at her. "I still don't know why I'm here. I should have already left when I saw you getting trashed by him. I should have just left you there", I spitted to her talking a step closer. I was furious.

"Oh yeah? Then why didn't you? You'd have made everything way easier", she yelled at me coming closer as well. She crossed her arms to her chest as she eyed me challengingly.

"Because I care too damn much about you!"

My words took her by surprise because she widened her eyes and let her hands fall to her sides.

"You what?", her voice was now a lot lower and weaker than before. She seemed shocked and she looked like she wanted to escape. But she didn't have time because I've already gone closer to her, my forehead almost touching hers.

"I do dammit", since when did I sound so weak? "I care about you..."

My hand reach to push a stand of her hair behind her ear and then rested on her neck firmly.

My Co-Lover (H.F.T. & J.L.)Where stories live. Discover now