Part Two

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You blinked your eyes open slowly as a figure leaned over you. You smiled; it was The Doctor.

"Morning, love," he grinned.

"Again, please don't call me that," you rubbed your eyes.

"I do it just to annoy you," he teased.

"Alright, I'm getting up. I'll meet you out in the kitchen in half an hour, kay?" you decided.

"Okay," he got off your bed and left the room. You stood up and grabbed some clothes. Then you went into the bathroom to shower. After your shower you got ready and then met The Doctor in the kitchen.

"You look lovely," he smiled. You blushed and looked over his clothes.

"Right back at ya," you grinned and clicked your teeth. He blushed and you raised your eyebrows. The two of you sat there for a good ten minutes, him not saying anything and you eating your toast feeling rather accomplished at making him shut up.

"So I was wondering where you want to go?" he cleared his throat.

"I'm okay going anywhere," you shrugged, "Maybe somewhere back in time. I wanna go visit my former self!" you decided. He sat there contemplating what to do and you gave him a pleading look.

"How far back?" he asked.

"Um...the first time we met."

"I really shouldn't..." he bit his lip.

"I thought you loved me!" you looked hurt. His cheeks blushed bright crimson, "Ha! Made you blush!" You taunted.

"__ __! You player!" The Doctor laughed. You grinned smugly.

"Come on, Doctor! Please?"

"Fine," he got up and approached the console. You followed behind him and he asked,

"You wanna fly the TARDIS?"

"Are you serious?" you asked.

"Yeah! Why not?"

"Okay!" you laughed a little.

"Here," he rested his hand on a part of the console. You walked over and leaned on the railing, "flip this switch," he instructed pointing to a blue switch. You flipped it on and felt what sounded like a big engine starting beneath you.

"Was that supposed to happen?" you asked nervously.

"Yep," he smiled and stood behind you, guiding your hand to the next button. Then he reached your hand to a lever. You allowed your hands to go wherever he guided them, "I'm going to go and turn on the cooling system. I want you to pull that black nob, turn that orange dial to seventy five and then press that big red button, can you do that?" he asked.

"I can," you nodded. He ran to the opposite side of the console and began running the cooling system. You pulled the black nob, then reached for the orange dial, turning it to seventy five and were about to press the red button.

But then you saw a switch to turn the brakes off. That was the one thing you remembered from your drivers test: you can't leave the brakes on when driving a car. So you glanced at him to make sure he wasn't watching and then, fast as lightning you switched the brakes off. Then you pressed your hand on the big red button. Just like that, you were thrown off balance and The Doctor began steering as you picked yourself up off the floor and clung to a side railing.

"We've landed," you sighed and he looked confusedly at the screen in front of him.

"It didn't make the sound," he disagreed.

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