Part Three

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A/N: At this point in time, you've been travelling with The Doctor for approx. three months.

"Doctor, I need to talk to you," you approached The Doctor one day.

"Those are never good words!" he gulped.

"What do you mean?" you scoffed.

"I mean any time someone says that, I'm in trouble or I have to answer a really awkward question. If you have a question that might make things awkward just go and ask the Internet!" he said.

"I don't really think the internet can answer the kind of question I have," you shrugged.

"Of course not..." he muttered.

"So anyways, I've been travelling with you for a couple months and sort of realized last night that I really don't know anything about you," you said.

"I have two hearts, I'm a Timelord from Gallifrey, what more is there?" He shrugged.

"Your age, your past, your likes, dislikes, supernatural abilities, I could go on," you shrugged.

"Oh, that. Well, I'm 904 years old and I don't really have much of a past," he replied.

"Nice try. You can't just tell me you're 904 years old and then say you don't have an exciting past."

"I just did," he smiled smugly. You narrowed your eyes,

"Well I'm not buying it," you returned the look. He rolled his eyes.

"You always have to know everything, don't you?" The Doctor smirked.

"Not everything, just the basics," you smiled a little.

"Well trust me, __, my past is anything but basic."

"What were you doing before you found me?" you asked.

"I was alone."

"You weren't that way for very long. You had someone before me. Who were they?" you looked deep into his eyes.

"Doesn't matter. Let's go travel," he shook his head.


"What?" he turned to you.

"Tell me who it was," you persisted.

"Come on, let's just forget it and go somewhere," his hand trailed down your arm but you weren't about to be fooled by it.

"Doctor," you sighed, "you can't solve everything by traveling. I cave every time. But not today, not this time. We can't just keep doing this, running away from our problems."

"I'm not trying to solve everything by traveling!" he protested.

"Yes you are. If we don't agree with each other, you just solve it by taking me somewhere and as nice as it is, it doesn't fix anything."

"That's not what happens!"

"Yes it is!" you insisted.

"I don't want to fight with you. I thought the whole reason you joined me was to travel. You're being way too dramatic."

"Fine. If you wanna travel so bad, then do it. Alone," you stormed off to your room. You laid on your bed, wondering why he never told you anything. Was his past really that bad? It couldn't have been.

Did he not trust you? You had so many questions in your head and needed answers. Slowly, you got off your bed and opened the door a crack. The Doctor wasn't in the console room, so you went out there and leaned on the console, staring at one of the screens.

"Wish you could tell me, old girl," you smirked, stroking the top of the screen. You were met with a pause of silence and then the machine hummed a little before showing a picture of a pretty girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. You raised your eyebrows and asked, "Who is this?" then some words scrolled across the screen reading,

'Rose Tyler, first companion of the tenth incarnation of The Doctor'.

"That's interesting," you muttered. Then another picture popped up. It was a young dark-skinned girl, about nineteen or twenty.

'Martha Jones, second companion of the tenth incarnation of The Doctor', the words read. Then a picture of an older ginger woman appeared and the words on the screen read, 'Donna Noble, most recent companion of the tenth incarnation of The Doctor'.

"TARDIS, print three files," you commanded. Right away, the machine provided you with the pictures and descriptions of the three people. Once they were done printing, you picked them up and took them with you, thanking the TARDIS quietly.

You walked down the right hall that joined to the console room and knocked on the door of the first room. You hoped this was The Doctor's room.

"Come in," a voice that could only be identified as his called. You opened the heavy door and slowly entered.

The two of you locked gazes and stared at each other until you threw the papers on his bed.

"Who gave you access to these files?" he demanded.

"She did," you looked him dead in the eyes.


"Yes," you nodded, "What happened to them?"

"Some of them left me, others I left," he replied.

"Doctor, I'm sorry," you sighed.

"Why?" he stated.

"I shouldn't have kept pressing you to talk about everything. Sometimes I forget that you're not human," you apologized, knowing that this would make him feel sorry and fess up.

"No, __, I shouldn't have kept brushing you off like that. I want that connection and I don't want you to feel like you can't talk to me if something is bothering you."

"Thank you. I just feel like communication is key. If something's up, you can count on me and I'll be there for you. I just want you to know that nothing you do could ever scare me away from you," you smiled.

"__, do you ever miss your family? Please be honest with me," he pleaded. You swallowed and answered,

"Sometimes, yes. But then I think of you. See, I never really felt I belonged in my family. I never really connected with them. Maybe it was just me, but while they were out doing fun stuff I stayed in my room doing schoolwork and studying. I was a bit of a scaredy cat. Sort of...unconfident and insecure. But then you came along and flipped my whole world upside down. And as much as I tried to deny it, it was exciting. I was fascinated by you and had to know more. You opened new doors for me, doors I didn't know even existed. And in the past three months, I've taken more risks than I ever have before. You changed me for the better, you bring out the best in me and I couldn't be happier to be here with you right now. So do I miss my family? No. My family's right here. You're all the family I need," you hugged him and leaned your head into his chest.

"__, I think we're gonna be just fine," he chuckled and wrapped his arms around you in a warm embrace.

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