Chapter 8

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(Toby's POV)

Its been three day's since the incident. Sally and I are under punishment were not leaving the Mansion until Christina sheds first blood (until she kills somebody). I mean it was a kinder punishment considering the fact it would of been a lot worse by that time Slender couldn't keep this a secret any longer he called everyone to the living room and told them everything.  He even showed them the pictures of her the before......and the after. You see that's what so special about the Archives paper it magical it tell the past the present .....and the future. Which means it had the after pictures of when she already sheds first blood. She is going to have a mask like me but it will be more like Nurse Ann's but instead it being a red cross it will be white wolf teeth with fangs and she will have red goggles. Everyone tried to hide there excitement but it was obvious I could already tell BEN is already thinking of ways to get her. EJ knowing him already wants a taste of her and Jeff is all ready planing to kill her. I look at Clockwork she's already getting jealous she's been trying to get me as her boyfriend but I kept rejecting her and she getting butthurt about it I asked Hoodie to keep an eye on her he agreed. Masky is still in the medical room he passed out from the lost of blood when Slender found him then he picked him up and teleported him to the Mansion then he came to us. Teleported us back to the Mansion he fused at me and Sally for a while. Then he sent us to our rooms Sally was crying a little I didn't argue with him but I couldn't stop thinking about her that night I had a dream that I was there beside her window seeing her reach out her hand I grasped it I remember taking off my mask stuff and she smiled that sweet smile then I woke up. Man..there's something about her I sighed I need to go see Masky and apologize to him.

(Christina's POV)

I'm in my aunts car we were driving to Seattle Behavioral Hospital three day's have passed and during those three day's Max noticed my injured hands I heard them argued for a while then she came to yell at me about my hands calling me a dog and a wild animal. I just stared blankly at her I didn't say anything I'm tired of talking to her I just silently take it now and cry when she is not looking its easier that way. It was raining I watched it drip down the car window it was silent which I enjoyed with pleasure. I've been to the city few times very rare few times it never changed. We got to the mental hospital it was about three floors high and nothing but window's it was whit but dirt and grim broke it down over the years it had a fence around it I wondered if there was anything else on the property. My Aunt parked the car and we got out she didn't say a word but her face said it all she didn't want to be here I was just wasting her time I smiled inwardly I guess it is a small victory. We walked in the building a lady was siting at the front desk she was working on the computer she looked up as we came closer she smiled "hello ma'am how can I help you?" We approach the desk and my aunt put on her professional mask and smiled "Yes can I sign her up for treatment?" The lady smiled and handed her a clipboard "make her sign in the information please and return this then she will be tested by a psychiatrist." My aunt smiled and we took a seat she started to fill in the paper for me I could never do thing's on my own I fumed silently. As I sat there, I thought about how long I was going to be here then my Aunt got up and went to front desk then came and sat back down we were silent I was fiddling  with my hand nervously my Aunt pinched my arm hard "stop that" she hissed I made a low growl and looked at her she glared I looked away in anger but I didn't look back down. We waited the waiting room was pretty dull with chairs lining each wall the wall's grey and a few magazines on the tables nothing really interesting to look at. After what seemed like forever a lady with blond hair and a white coat "Ms.Christina Anderson?" My Aunt and I got up at the same time I spoke up before my Aunt can say anything I raised my hand "That's m-me ma'am!" I grinned and saw from the corner of my eye she turned a little red "could you follow me please?" I started to follow her my aunt tried to do the same but the lady stopped her "I just want to talk to the girl" she pointed her pen at me I smiled I looked at my aunt she didn't like the fact of not going with me but she nodded and sat back down she gave me a dirty I look  just grinned as the door closed. I followed her till we got to the last door we walked in. she gestured at the seat in front of her desk I sat down the lady sat down at he desk "Hi there Christina I'm Doctor Amy Smith I'll be asking you questions so Christina how have you been?" I looked at her straight in the eye and said "oh I'm d-doing f-fine" I put on my fake smile she smiled back. She started to right in her clip board "Christina do you have any friends at school?" I looked down at my hands "not really ma'am I'm by myself but there's that one person his pretty cool." I looked at her with a small smile she keeps writing on her clip board "really? what's his name?" 
"His name is Chase G-grimm I call him the Grim R-reaper for jokes and g-giggles he's...pretty c-cool." she  looked at me "you have quite a stutter there have you always had that?" I nodded I smiled widely she kept writing she smiled and at me "sounds to me you to are more then friends." I blush a little and smiled a little "w-well yeah h-he asked me out a-and w-were dating but p-please don't t-tell my a-aunt!" she looked at me surprised at my sudden outburst she stopped writing "why not?" I looked down at my hand I started to shift nervously "b-because I never l-liked telling h-her a-anything..." she nodded slowly and started to write again "Christina could you tell me what happened that day in the school bathroom with the girls?" My eyes were not meeting her's then that sudden feeling came over me again "T-they were m-my bullies! T-those stuck up g-girls only wanted to m-make my l-life m-miserable the d-don't follow the rules they b-basically do w-whatever they w-want honestly I d-don't care i-if I bit t-that g-girl's arm off" I looked up at her with a grin on my face "they got w-what t-they deserved t-they don't c-care about me s-so why should I about t-them? honestly......she kind of tasted ..nice.." My grin grew wider I didn't stutter that part which made me happy. The lady scooted back in her chair she gulped she had fear in her eyes I loved it I wanted more but before I could do anything she sat her clip board on the table quickly and got up "this conclude our meeting I'll be talking to your aunt to sign you up here she motioned for me to come with her my grin shrunk a little but I still felt little happiness. we went back to the waiting room I gave the doctor and my aunt some space to talk. That's when I heard it...."Hey what ever you do don't trust anyone here." I was a little surprised at the voice it felt like it was right at my ears "Who a-are you?" I spoke softly aloud "The key so you can get the hell out of here!" "ow!" I said aloud the doctor and my aunt looked at me funny I waved and turned away awkwardly "Why should I t-trust you?" I said softly there was silence for a moment "Because with my help I could ...WE could get back at your aunt and make her pay for what she has done to you." I smiled a little at thought I always wished I could do things to her but maybe.....just maybe.. "ok I t-trust you" I can almost hear the voice smile "Good!  Now if you want thing to go your way you have to listen to everything I say ok?"  

"o-ok" I said and I finally turned and the doctor and my aunt were looking at weirdly "I'm fine" I came over there they looked at each other and back at me "Christina your Aunt is enrolling you here now please come with me please I will take you to your room." I nodded and started to follow her the lady opened the door my aunt grabbed my arm "Christina get better." I looked back at her her face was filled of fake worry I smiled my fake smile and the voice told me what to say 

"Memento Mori..."    

My Aunt looked at me strangely "what does that mean?" I smiled and followed to lady in the door the voice I looked back at her one last time I flashed a smile one more time before the door finally closed for the first time I felt I was free. The voice told me what it meant.....

"Remember you will die"

Guys I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I've been really busy now a day's  I know you've been waiting for this chapter please forgive me!! I hope you enjoyed it! 

"BTW 'Memento Mori' is Latin for "Remember you will die"

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