Chapter 9

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It's been a few days since I came to the mental hospital. I keep to myself I only talk if someone is talking to me but other then that I stay away from people. That voice keeps me company. Over the few days I did everything it said I didn't tell them everything I told them of my bullies and how long I was dealing with them but I never told them about my condition at home and I like to keep it that way the voice told me it had a plan. I would talk to the voice when I was alone I always had to make sure I was alone. I could risk exposing the one thing that understood me at night I would whisper to it and sometimes giggle I had a room of my own it was all white in the morning when they turn the light on to take vitals, it would be blinding light. Were free to roam the hallways there was the boys end and the girls we couldn't interact with them they never looked in our direction the first day I came everyone couldn't stop staring at me I heard the whispers behind me as I passed by whispers about my eyes. I didn't look in there direction I did as the voice told me and kept silent. There were some brave souls that tried to talk to me but I wouldn't say a word they eventually gave up and soon no one tried they soon found out why I was there and now they won't sit near me. That's fine I guess I'm not really worry about they made me talk to a psychologist  there and a therapist I acted shy and nervous at first but after a a few visit's I acted like I slowly warmed up to them I followed the voices orders. I wasn't going to connect with them I wasn't going to let them in........

~Dream State~

I was standing in a field of tall grass it was night the sky was clear the stars were bright and speckled the night sky like freckles the moon was crescent it was huge in the night sky. The wind blew through my bright red dress that reach to my ankles around my waist was a black bow my hair whipped in the wind I started to walk in the tall grass I let my fingers brush against the tall grass I was some flowers in a little clearing they were roses in a blood color but there was one blood rose that I wanted so badly it was beautiful it glittered in the moon light it seemed to drip of something but I wasn't worried about that all I know was that I wanted that rose. I started to advance it but something grabbed my arm "Whoa there you need some help? I would hate that you would have to ruin that dress." I turned around and saw a guy that looked about the same age as me but the creepy thing was his eyes.....they were the same as mine... I blinked in surprise he cracked a grin he was wearing a red tuxedo with a black button up shirt with black dress pants and shoes his air was the same black as mine and the messiness he also wore a blood red bow tie. He pointed at the rose I was trying to get "you need some help getting that rose? I've been trying to get it myself but I failed it to get it myself but since your here maybe we can work together." he held out his hand he was wearing a black glove I know I should felt on edge with his presence but he seemed goofy and playful I felt some what good around him. I smiled a little and took his gloved hand "sure why not?" I giggled a little.but something was off....his voice sounded familiar....We approached the rose bus it was a little tall so the rose that we wanted just out of arm reach I watched him take off his gloves they looked normal at first but when I looked at them closely he had scars on his knuckles like little cuts. He looked at me and cracked another goofy grin "need a lift?" I nodded giggling he got behind me and lifted me by the waist I surprised with his strength I had to balance a little. he lifted he high enough so I could get it I broke off the thorns and plucked it from the bush. " I got it!" I said excitedly "oh cool!" he said he put me down and I turned around and smiled at him but something seemed off...I didn't know what it was. I had cupped the rose in my hand "May I see?" said the guy I nodded and showed him threw my cupped hand. He cupped his hand under mine. The rose seemed to glow illuminating our faces "pretty isn't it?" he said but his voice changed it sounded more raspy and I see his skin change with more scars I look at him and almost scream his face....on his left cheek had a gap of skin that showed his teeth his skin was burned with bits of the flesh still hanging I wanted to back away but my feet wouldn't want to move. I felt something drip in my hands  I looked down the rose was bleeding into my hands and started to pool up on the ground. He leaned in close to my face I couldn't move I wanted to scream, cry ,anything but all I could do was stand there  as he leaned into my ear and say these two words 

".......Memento Mori......."

"Christina .....Christina wake up!" I jolted awake "whoa whoa are you ok ma'am should I get the head nurse?" I whipped my the sweat that was wetting my shirt and my pillow. "Ma'am?" I looked at the nurse " I'm fine." she nodded. "Well its time to take to take vitals any way so can you please sit up." I nodded and sat up in bed. 

Later that day, as I was looking out the window thinking to myself, someone tapped me on the shoulder I looked behind me and saw my roommate she was holding something in her hands. "hey umm Christina right?" I nodded I fully turned to her. "Well um I'm leaving today and I thought it would be rude that I wouldn't give you something before I leave I don't know if you'll wear it but for some reason I feel like its going to mean a lot in the future." she smiled shyly and gave it to me. I couldn't help but smile a bit "thanks." she nods we say our goodbyes she leaves and closes the door behind her. I go to the desk and set the bag down I open it and I pull it a bright blood red coat I put it on It was long that reached to my ankles and very comfy the sleeves were rolled back to show the inside color that was black.I looked inside the bag again there were black gloves and....I put the gloves down and reached down in the bag it was mask it was a surgical mask but made from a different material like polyester it was all black but it had a picture of where the mouth should be it was wolf fangs. I heard the voice in my head speak.

"your going to need those..."

(Masky POV)

I have been in charge of watching Christina for the past days at soon as we learned that she was going to the mental hospital since I was best at not getting caught but now I need to go back and report to Slender what's going on. 

when I got to his office he looked at me 

"any news?" he asked 

I nodded "its all coming together Sir."

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