Chapter 4: Magnet Man Attacks

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Romaine's POV

I woke up on a medical bed feeling very drained and tired. I opened my eyes to find that Cassandra was sitting beside me taking my vitals, with her father on the other side a few feet away with his arms crossed.

"Oh great! You're awake." I heard that sweet voice again.

"How did I do?" I asked her.

"Well..." She began, "your starting speed was 360kmph, then your sprint brought you up to 630kmph. With my dad's average being 540kmph, and your final burst of speed being 900kmph."

"Nice." I responded. "So what now?"

"Well, based on your cellular information, your advanced period is over." She told me so vaguely

"What do you mean by "advanced period"?" I inquired

She sighed before explaining, "When the X-Gene is activated in someone, their new abilities are extremely potent the first 2-4 times that they are used. After that, the user's abilities go to being alot less potent and it is up to the user to build up the ability themselves."

"Ok.... I'm not even gonna ask what the X-Gene is."

After a while of awkward silence, we heard an alarm in the lab going off. Cassandra flipped up her tablet and pulled up a map of the city on the wide screen on the wall in front of me.

"Rubis Gas Station at Westgate." She pointed out, "There's been an explosion."

"That can't be good." I pointed out the obvious.

"Let's hurry!" Usain prompted

"No dad!" Cassandra stopped him, "he's not healed enough."

"Cassandra, it's ok. I'm fine." I encouraged her.

After thinking it over in her head, she finally let go of my wrist and I got up and went after Usain. "Wait!" She called out to me. I stopped and looked back. She then attached some sort of wrist band to my left wrist.

I then chased after Usain that was already far ahead. When I saw him, he was already changed into his suit. He then reminded me to put on my special shoes. We then exited the lab and onto the streets. The journey there was Abit awkward and silent. Lucky thing that the journey was only 5 seconds. Haha.

At the gas station, Cassandra communicated to me through my wrist band asking, "How does it look?".

"It looks fire-y" I responded.

"'Fire-y' isn't a word Romaine." She corrected me.

"Well, there are high traces of carbon-monoxide."

"Are there any people on the site?"

"Yes. About 7 of them, most of them being workers."

"Ok. Dad, you save the people, Romaine, I'm trusting you to take care of the fire and the gas."

"On it Cas'." Usain responded through his earpiece, then sped off.

" am I supposed to do that exactly?" I questioned her on how I was to contain the hazard.

"Create a vacuum around the flames. Run clockwise with a diameter of about 12 meters from the apex of the central flames."

"Got it." I confirmed that I understood. I gave off a smirk and then sped off.

By time I ran off Usain had already finished getting the people to safety. I spiraled around the fire for several laps but I only noticed a slight difference. So I went faster, after I kept increasing my speed, I realized that I'd reached my cap. But I know I've went faster than this before. I was evidently failing at containing this thing. As I was about to give up, I got assistance, from Usain. He could clearly see that I was failing.

We were now running side by side. With me on the inside and him on the outside. Now with both of us doing it, I could see the effect of the vacuum. The effect of a vacuum being that no matter can exists inside one. So existing matter would either be expelled or de-atomized. In this case, the atoms if the fire and gases were being ripped apart and compacted, also known as, de-atomization.

After the hazards were gone, we stopped running and went around to make sure that everyone was ok. When we questioned around, witnesses said that a man in a magenta colored tuxedo came earlier and destroyed the gas pumps. They claimed that he was moving the objects through the air without touching them. He blew up a few cars, which caused a chain explosion, which would've went to the fuel storage and cause a massive explosion if Usain and I weren't here.

Oh I knew exactly who it was, Magnet Man. I don't know how he escaped, but when I get my hands on him, he's going back into that prison.

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