Starting Today, You Are A Host!

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You assumed that he would've found a different person to study with. After all, he was him, and you were just yourself. An anti-social nerd with zero social skills. But when you walked into the library after a three day absence, Tamaki was sitting at your table, looking at all the passing students hopefully. His eyes found yours and lit up as you smiled and gave a small wave. 

Most people would've left the minute you were late, so you had developed a habit of always being on time to your study dates. Tamaki had stayed even though you had been gone for a whole three days. It was unusual, and threw you off your game even more than you normally were. 

"Hey, Y/N! What happened?" Tamaki asked when you took your place next to him. 

"I was sick on Monday, had to do make-up work on Tuesday, and had a test on Wednesday." You explained quietly, pulling out your binder. "What did you do while I was gone?"

'Please tell me you just waited.'

"Oh, I just waited for you, Once it was 7, I went home." He said, shrugging. "I figured you wouldv'e told me if something happened."

"I don't have your phone number." You said, "So I couldn't even if I wanted to."

Tamaki looked at you with wide eyes. "Well, clearly we need to remedy that. I can't just not have my best friend's phone number! Especially if she's the most beautiful girl in the school!"

You blushed.

You thought about that moment a lot now that there were no more sweet moments in the library. Nowadays, you spent her every free second managing your love-obsessed best friend's club. In the mornings you tidied Music Room #3, in the afternoon you stayed in the background and was a comforting presence for the hosts when they needed a break from fauning girls.

Today was your lucky day. Tamaki hadn't come up with any elaborate dress up ideas, meaning that you wouldn't have to do any elaborate cleaning. You rushed into the music room a little later than usual. The rest of the hosts were there already. "Y/N! Where've you been?" Kaoru asked. 

"I'm sorry I'm late." You said. "A boy in my class insisted that I help him with a math problem." 

"Oh, does Y/N have an admirer?" Hikaru crooned. 

"N-No!" You stammered, a flush crawling up her neck. "I'm just... studious?" You offered. The rest of the hosts laughed. One of their favorite hobbies was making their manager blush. 

Needless to say, it was not one of yours.

Suddenly long arms wrapped around your neck and meticulously brushed hair appeared on your shoulder. "Oooooooo!" Tamaki said. "You'll let me help you, won't you?" 

You wished you could be confident and say, "You could help me by going on a date with me."

Instead your shyness overcame and a meek, "O-Okay" came out. 

Tamaki smiled, removing himself from your figure. "Wonderful! But for now we need to get ready for this afternoon's activities." You nodded and went into the back room to get change. To prevent any misconceptions, you always took off the petticoat underneath the (hideous) yellow dress and donned an apron. Tamaki insisted that doing this will keep the other girls at the academy from getting jealous. (Spoiler, it didn't).

You were just finishing up your costume change when you heard a loud crash in the main room. You ran out to check on it and saw the twins leaning over a very distressed transfer student, who just broke the 8 million Renaissance vase the club was going to feature in the auction. You had refurbished the vase by hand, repainting the delicate pattern for hours. 

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