Chapter 1

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I've watched my fair share of romance movies where everything always ends up perfect and I like to believe that one day it will, but the thing is everything always happen 'perfectly'. The girl has a bad day and the guy is there to help or the guy falls in love with his best friend and devotes his whole life to convince her that she actually likes him back and she does. When have you ever seen this actually happen like actually happen in real life? Many relationships I know of is really just two people learning how to love each other.

Romance movies give me hope because I'm not there yet so I have not yet dismissed that. The true perfectly perfect is teen romance movies like high school musical or even the kissing booth giving you hope for a maybe but I call bull because for the past 4 years of high school I have seen maybe 2 relationships that have actually worked out after school. Life really never is just that simple. Now my name is Elle short for Elizabeth but I believe it's actually short for Cinderella because damn I can relate.

As you'll soon learn to know I'm a romance 'sceptic' only because I've truly never experienced anything remotely close to that. The one thing I realised consistently throughout high school is that it really never is like the movies. You might not believe this but there was a time where Elle, aka me, devoted my life to finding my perfect high school boyfriend whom I'll marry one day and have beautiful babies with, well spoiler alert I'm 17 going on 18 with 6 months of school left with no luck of finding my Zac Efron.

I honestly think that the person who stole this fantasy of mine was my first boyfriend. It was my first year of high school and life was great. I made new friends since I wanted to let go of the people that really ruined primary school for me. We were having the time of our lives you know that I'm finally in high school I can do what I want attitude, how sad is that. One of my friends, well more of an acquaintance invited my friend who then invited me to a party which naturally I would go to because heaven forbid I become less popular.

We went to the party and all is well until guys from the grade up came. I was excited because our grades boy's sucks just like in every way. We decided to lay on these massive bean bag chairs next to the pool. That was great and all but boys will be boys meaning they were complete jerks by jumping into the pool soaking every girl within a mile in water. Now at this stage I was getting pretty over this whole party thing and quite frankly I was getting hungry.

We rushed to this girl's room taking turns with the hairdryer trying to look decent and I was last in line for this poor old hairdryer, big surprise there, so automatically everyone continued their night and I was stuck alone in this room wet and irritated. When I was finally dry enough to join the world again they moved to another spot which is understandable, but where were they? I decide to look in the kitchen because maybe they went to get food because that was all I could think about, but no luck there.

They had drinks packed out so I got myself a coke, ran my fingers through my soggy hair and mumbled aloud men are idiots. I almost threw my coke when by my surprise a voice behind the fridge door answered with, 'Correction, all boys are idiots'
At first I thought it was one of the older guys because I didn't recognise his voice when in fact it was Liam, Liam Anderson, the hot older brother of the girl hosting the party.

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