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"Scatter, dogs." He says, and the four men turn into wolves, howling for the lost life of their Alpha as they run for theirs.

His gaze turns to me. The fiery glow calms from his golden eyes, but I still can't detect any emotion in them. Only power.

I freeze as his hand raises to my face, wincing as his fingertips touch the fresh scrape across my cheek.

A frown twists his lip. He lowers his hand, and raises his foot - landing his heel in a sharp stomp on Krey's melted face.

A sickening crack joined with a wet squelch echo through the forest. My eyes tear wide as his heel pops the skull as if it was a watermelon. The splatter of blood and brains stains my new dress.

"Are you angry?" I surprise myself asking him.

"You may have a point. Perhaps killing him is not enough. Perhaps his pack is also in need of purging."

He considers aloud.

"I'm okay, it's just a scratch..."

"It's not a scratch. It's a scrape. I cannot help you with that." His lip twists, and he stomps on Krey again; faster than I can blink. The ribs snap inwards as his heel sinks into the corpse's chest, smashing the spine to bits against the earth.

"Please stop..." A whimper escapes my lips. "You're scaring me."

He stares at me. And for the first time since I met him, he blinks, and lowers his gaze.

"You're scared of me?"

He didn't know that?

"Sometimes..." I answer, chewing on my bottom lip.

He nods slowly, golden eyes fixated at the earth. From what I've seen so far, it might burst on fire soon.

Did I offend him?

"I didn't mean to offend you..." I say, stepping a little closer.

"It's okay. It's important that I know." He speaks in a different tone. The deep monotony of power usually to his voice lowered in thoughtfulness. Staring at the ground still.

Did I make him sad?

Before I realize what I am doing, I'm touching his jaw. He looks up to me, silver eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Thank you for healing me. I woke up with no pain at all." I smile at him.

He smiles at me. Not the half-grin that chills me down to my core. But a curl of the lips that bares the teeth and beams his face with happiness.

I feel a strange click of energy in my chest, then tingling warmth that spreads to my entire body.

"Go inside and rest." He walks towards the white stag he had brought, one shoe leaving bloody footprints behind him.

"I'll cook us dinner."

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