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Fear grabs me in all limbs as his cold lips touch my neck.

"My precious, precious girl." The Vampire Lord's voice hums against my skin, making me nauseous.

"So afraid of me still. Always so afraid. Just like the first time. Maybe that's why I cannot get enough." 

His fingers pass over my cheek, and I snap my head away. It makes him angry when I back from his touch. It's never worth it for me. But I can't hold myself.

When his hand touches me again, it's his knuckles that make the contact. Rapid contact that splits the skin over my cheekbone and sends me to the floor. The force of the hit rings in my ear.

"So vain to resist still, after all I gave you?" He yells.

"You gave me nothing but pain." My voice's a whisper. But truth cuts like a blade. 

He kicks me in the abdomen, and the support of my hand fails as I collapse gasping. My insides knot from the impact, black dots specking my vision.

"I give you everything. I am the Lord of all Vampires. Be grateful you've been chosen to serve me."

I laugh at him despite the resistance of my clenching stomach. The absurdity of his words are greater than my pain.

His weight falls on top of me, and his fangs sink in my neck. The disgust makes my body strain and twist, even though my muscles learnt by now it they have no chance of overpowering him.

His lips tighten against my skin as he sucks in blood in long, eager slurps. My teeth grind and my nostrils flare as I refuse to break and cry. I know he enjoys that.

The hem of my dress tears as yanks it up my thighs. His fangs slide out of my neck, the smell of death floating from his breath as he speaks against my cheek. 

"Good girl." He cackles as he presses tighter against me. "Now for the fun part."

I wake up gasping for air, shooting upright in the bed. Tears are streaming down my cheeks. My skin covered in cold sweat.

I pull my knees as tight as I can against my chest. Taking in and out one breathe at a time. Gradually slowing down my panting.

I escaped. He isn't here. He can't get to me. I ran away. I escaped. He isn't here...

I chant the mantras in my head over and over; the muscles of my arms and legs squeezing until they start to relax.

Golden eyes glimmer in the dark, and a flame rises from the candle on the nightstand. He is sitting cross-legged on a white carpet he made from Mulha's hide. I don't know if it's his presence or the light that gives me meek comfort.

He keeps staring at me, and I am clueless to what he wants.

"What?" I glare at him. 

He opens his mouth to reply. But instead of his answer, I hear the howls of crazed wolves, their claws bashing against the door of our home.

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