Nicky x Reader: Ahk-ward

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NickNack: Just left the apartment. Be there in 5.

Y/N: Sounds good!

You put down your phone on top of your dresser and walked over to your mirror. Adjusting your hair so that it looked how you wanted it to, you brushed down the skirt of your sundress. You felt butterflies in your stomach as you waited for Nicky to pick you up for a date. You'd been dating for four months now, and he still managed to make you nervous, though the feeling faded as time went on. The doorbell rang, and you heard your G/N open the door. You quickly grabbed your bag and left your room to meet Nicky.

"You two have fun!" Your G/N called from behind you. "Don't get into any trouble!"

"We won't!" You shouted back over your shoulder as you and Nicky made your way to his car. You turned back to Nicky. "They didn't give a hard time, did they?"

"In the thirty seconds before you came down?" Nicky opened the passenger door for you and closed it before walking over to the driver side and getting in. "No, Y/N, I think it was fine." You smacked him lightly at the sarcasm in his voice. "Hey! Distracting the driver!"

"We're not even moving yet." You deadpanned, playfully shoving his shoulder again to prove your point." He rolled his eyes exaggeratedly and put the keys in the ignition.

"Well, now we are." He said, pulling out of your apartment's parking lot and driving towards the theater.

"Whatever you say, NickNack."

"I thought I told you to change that!"

"You thought I'd listen?" You snickered.

"I can dream, Y/N," He retorted. The entire ride to the theater was filled with your back and forth banter.

"So, which movie are we seeing tonight?" You asked him as he parked.

"Is R/M okay?"

"I love that movie!" You replied as you stepped out of the car. He crossed over to your side and laced his fingers with yours as you walked into the lobby of the cinema.

"Two tickets to R/M, one popcorn, and two R/D, please." Nicky ordered once the two of you made it to the front of the concession line. He paid for the items, and handed you the tickets and one of the pops he ordered. You gave the employee your tickets, and walked to into the theater. You both stood near the door, looking for a spot to sit in the somewhat crowded theater.

"What about over there?" You pointed to two free seats near the edge of the aisle.

"Sure," He replied and walked towards them with you following behind. He let you in first and sat down next to you as the previews began to roll. You both absentmindedly munched in the popcorn as the movie progressed. Nicky had reach across to get any food because he refused to move his arm from where it lay across your shoulders. And it's not like he could move it even if he wanted to. Your head was resting on his shoulder and his on yours. He was too content to move, to put it simply. When the movie was over, he still didn't move his arm, only letting go once you both made it to his car. You checked your phone to see what time it was. 5:35pm. Just as Nicky was about to shift the gear into drive, his phone went off. Smiling apologetically, he put the car back in park and checked his phone.

"Sorry, it's my dad. He forgot his flashlight in here from the last time I drove him and the backup flashlight is dead. Do you mind if we quickly run over there?"

"I'm alright with that," You said, He smiled gratefully, and drove towards the Museum of Natural History. When you pulled up to the front, you checked the time again and saw that it was now 5:43pm.

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