Napoleon x Reader: Until Tomorrow

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This was easily one of the weirdest nights you'd ever had.

When you applied for the job, you were assured that you'd just be looking after some Smithsonian exhibits overnight. Sure, you still had to take the job seriously, but how much trouble could some old artifacts and wax figures be?

Apparently a lot.

You didn't even know how to respond when you turned a corner to investigate a noise. You stood there in dumbfounded shock as you watched a man dressed in a similar night guard uniform and a woman with curly red hair wearing a bomber jacket took off running with what looked like a gold spray-painted Tupperware lid. A bunch of men dressed in Halloween costumes took off running after them, and as weird as everything was, you somehow knew it was serious. You quietly backed out of the storage room and walked back to your desk.

"Okay." You said to yourself. "There are people in the underground storage. In Halloween costumes. It's my job to get them out. The quickest way would be to just trip the alarm. But then that turns on emergency lights. And then they know I'm here. And then I get stuffed into a trunk or something. Nearest phone is the information desk. All I have to do is..." You trailed off as you watched the giant balloon animal trot by your office window. " stay here and hope whatever I was drugged with wears off soon. Gotcha." You turned off your office lights, sat at your desk, and continued to watch the movement outside of your window with bewildered awe.

At some point during the night, you must've nodded off, because you were startled out of your chair by someone banging on your office window. You looked around in confusion, before you noticed the man staring at you through the glass. You shrieked and brandished your flashlight.

"Don't try anything! I know how to use this!" You shouted, sounding more confident than you felt.

"Do you know who you're threatening?" The man responded. He had a strong French accent, though you were unsure if it was real or just part of his costume.

"How'd you get in here?" You demanded.

"I've always been here. Now what are you doing?"

"I work here. And if you don't round up your buddies, I'm going to call the police." This seemed to anger the man (soldier?) and he motioned to someone behind him. A loud banging sounded from the other side of the door, and without warning it swung open, and two similarly dressed men came in. You were so surprised the boldness of these people that you didn't react quick enough before they each grabbed an arm and hauled you out of the office. You watched your incredible surroundings as they dragged you to God knows where. At last you approached four men, all dressed in costumes from different time periods. The one in the costume matching your assailants blanched at the sight of you, and shouted something in French. The men holding your arms immediately let go and backed off. The third man (their leader, you presumed) approached you.

"I'm very sorry. My men clearly don't know how to treat a lady." You were caught off guard from the sincerity in the man's voice that you were speechless.

"Um, it's fine," Wait. That was wrong. "I mean, it's not fine, but...thanks." You finished lamely. He either didn't notice your awkwardness or chose not to comment. He chose to lead you to a barrel and two overturned crates. He motioned for you to sit, and you obeyed. You both sat there in silence for a few minutes, before you finally decided to speak.

"So did some guy plan a super secret LARP or something? Because none of this was in the employee newsletter."

"Larp?" You nodded. "I have no idea what that is." He said at last. He must really be in character, you thought. You tried a different tactic.

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