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So here’s to my first attempt of Swan (Mills) Queen, cheers! Send me your thoughts after, I hope you enjoy it! :)

PLOT: Emma finally decided to stay in Storybrooke for good. But she wanted to go back to New York first and retrieve all their stuff from their old place. Henry was tagging along, hoping to be able to say goodbye to his friends. Regina, on the other hand was skeptical, not wanting to spend another day without her son so she demanded to go with them.



I look at my son for the last time tonight as I tucked him to bed, he has grown so much. Although he’s a teenager now, he didn’t refuse when I sent him to sleep. Oh how I love this little prince of mine, I will never let him go. Never again. I close the door behind me lightly as I walked towards my room, finally able to rest after a long day. But I’m sure, tomorrow will be a longer day. Iwill be leaving Storybrooke with Henry and Emma as I will go with them to New York. Whatever they’re going to do there, I need to be with him. I won’t let another day pass by without having Henry by my side. But as I opened the door to my room, I heard a knock coming from downstairs. Who could it be? It’s past ten o’clock in the evening and I need to have some rest. I was about to ignore it, but the knocking was persistent so I rushed towards the door not wanting Henry’s slumber to be disturbed.

“Coming,” I announced lightly. I opened the door and I see this blonde woman whose wavy hair falls effortlessly to the sides of her red leather jacket, yes, it’s Ms. Swan. She’s on my porch, alone, her eyes are staring directly on mine. I admire her courage, she’s the only one who could do this – knock on my door and disturb me at my sleeping hour. If she was another person, I’d probably rip her heart out and return it on her chest when I woke up the next day. But she’s my son’s birthmother, I can’t do that. “You couldn’t wait to see me in the morning, could you?” I asked as I roll my eyes on her. She smiled bluntly, tasting the sarcasm from my every word.

“I just want to tell you that you don’t have to come with us tomorrow to New York. We’ll be back before you know it,” she began.

Her insistent request for me to stay back gives me more reasons to go with them. In as much as I want to take Henry for myself, I would never deprive him again to spend time with Ms. Swan. So I’m not sure where all this hesitancy of Emma is coming from. “It’s fine,” I responded. “I want to see the life you’ve built in New York,” I lied. I only want to make sure that she will return with Henry to Storybrooke.

“It’s not that I’m going to take him away,” she explained.

“I’m sure of that,” I said, stating lie number two. “I also want to spend some time with Henry outside this town,” lie number three. Although that couldn’t be entirely lie, I want to experience that for real too. But I’m pretty certain that will mask my main intention of making sure that they will in fact, return to me.

“If you insist, I’d see you both in the morning then. Five o’clock,” she responded with that pretentious smile on her face.

“Five o’clock,” I said, flashing a fake smile as well. I watch her leave my doorway and get into her yellow bug. Maybe she’s thinking it wouldn’t be so comfortable for us to travel together? I don’t really care, I just want my son. If she’s someone I have to deal with just to make sure my son stays with me? I’d be happy to drag her along as an excess baggage. I close my door as her car is no longer on my sight and I went straight to my bedroom and fell into a dreamless sleep.


I woke up from the loud beeping of my phone, annoyed as the alarm startled every ounce of my being. I checked its screen only to find out I’ve snoozed the alarm for three or four times, waking me up at 4:30 in the morning, in thirty minutes, we should be ready. I hurried towards Henry’s room to check on him and I was relieved to hear him humming in the shower, I smiled as I walk towards my bathroom so I could take a quick bath before leaving. The warm water dripping down my body did no good, I was still sleepy but I needed to do this and make sure I’ll have all the time I want to spend with my son. I got out of the shower and put on the clothes I chose last night. A dark red fitting dress that hugged my curves perfectly as its hemline barely touch my knees, its thick straps resting on my shoulders ending on a criss-cross on my back. I slid on a pair of black stilettos and on my way out, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and smiled a little as I liked what my reflection showed. I grabbed the dark coat hanged behind my bedroom door and went straight to the kitchen to see if I’d still have time to prepare something for Henry.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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