Reading minds

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Queen Shion noticed her king seems to day dreaming a lot lately. She tried to speak to him several times about a matter of her maidens but he was just nodding and pretend  like he was  listening. Fear clouded Shion's mind.

"May be a great danger is coming to the kingdom?"  She wondered. Finally she decided to speak to her sister, 'Lady May'. She and King Akihiro's personal body guard 'Yata' has a forbidden relation which helped by Shion. As a royal solider it is prohibited to have personal relationships other than their duties.

Shion believed a marriage without love and understanding is useless. That's why she helped their love without letting others know even King Akihiro.

Shion clearly knew it is one of her responsibilities about taking care of king Akihiro's metal health as his queen. So she got dressed to meet her beloved sister who lived outside from the palace with hopes. 

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