The Frozen Prince

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A costume party was to be held at Nobel Michael and Ivan and Elli were to attend the event. Elli knew exactly what she wanted to go as but Ivan on the other hand could not come up with any clear ideas of what his costume should be. Ivan laid on his bed with his eyes fixed on the ceiling. He was deep in thought as he tried to come up with something when he noticed the approach of footsteps. Ivan turned his head slightly to the side and saw Elli standing there with a small smile on her face.

"Elli?" Ivan whispered her name in slight surprise.

"I knew you have been having trouble coming up with a costume so I came up with one for you." Elli giggled and beamed at Ivan, she placed her hands on her hips, she looked proud of her plan.

Ivan didn’t really like the way Elli was eyeing him off mischievously and knew she was up to something, but he never quite expected to hear just what Elli had planned.

"Well as you know I’m going as Anna." Elli said.

"Anna? The girl from the movie you love so much?" Ivan asked.

Elli giggled in delight that Ivan knew just who she was talking about. Ivan would never admit it but Elli occasionally caught Ivan watching the movie from afar when she had it on the tv.

"Yes. And I was just recently looking through your familys photo album that I found in your room and I noticed a picture of your grandfather-"

Ivan cut Elli short and shot her a ‘You gotta be kidding me look.’

"I know where this is going and the answer is no! I don’t care how much Yakov might have pulled off looking like Elsa but I refuse!"

Elli pouted a little and looked at him pleasingly. She inched a little closer and trailed a finger over his neck and shoulder giving him the ‘puppy dog eyes.’

Ivan was speechless for a second and quickly looked away.

"I don’t care how much you beg the answer is still no!" Ivan said adamantly.

"But… We could go as the sisters and… I think you’d look cute…" Elli whispered the last half of the sentence in a hushed tone but Ivan still heard her as his cheeks had gone a slight pink.

"Why would I want to go as your sister!? We are lovers not siblings!" Ivan looked displeased with the idea.

"C’mon, it will be fun and it’s just for one night." Elli continued to relentlessly plead with him, she refused to give in.

"I-I said no! There is no way you are getting me into a dress!" Ivan folded his arms and glared at Elli for even mentioning something so ludicrous but Elli wasn’t going to back down. She was persistent and would see to it that she’d have her way.


Ivan looked anything but happy as he looked at himself in the mirror. A sigh escaped his lips. Ivan couldn’t believe he was actually in a dress and that Elli actually managed to get him to do this. Ivan was going to get her back for this. Elli would recieve punishment for her actions, he would make sure of it.

Elli came up behind Ivan dressed in her Anna costume. She wrapped her arms around Ivan’s waist and rested her chin on his shoulder. Elli tried her hardest to contain herself, because she knew if she didn’t Ivan would probably take off the dress and would punish her on the spot and that would mean they’d never get to the party.

"I knew you would look cute. You might even look better than me." Elli whispered, her hot breath tickled his ear.

"S-Shut up!" Ivan blushed, his ears glowed a crimson hue. "Don’t get jealous now. You are the one who made me dress like this. Of course if you prefer we could just take our clothes off now." Ivan smirked and now it was Elli’s turn to blush as she protested and let go of him.

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