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Midoriya Izuku was an average looking kid, came from an average family; has an average life style, and household. He was normal, pretty normal if you'd ask him. Izuku is quite content with being normal, not trying really hard to be distinguished even when he got the brains. He could be stupid sometimes, but that what teenagers are; stupid. The only thing that broke the routine was his not so everyday quirk. When he says quirk, it's not an actually a beholding power that could wow his peers. They don't even believe him when he says that he has a quirk. He can't blame really them, and why is that? How can you believe what you can't see? When he tried explaining it once to his childhood friend; his beloved obsessed quirk freak of friend, whatever they had between them rotted, soooo that ended up with him being ridiculed and teased. Soon enough, he learned to not speak of his cursed quirk anymore, it is not a nice feeling to be called names and be picked on.

At the age of four, Izuku brimmed with restless energy, bubbling through his puny body as he followed Kacchan. He watched the other boy with admiration and tint of envy as he showcased his explosive quirk. He curled his chubby fingers into a fist. He started bouncing in his place as he followed the other through the wood. He lagged behind and wondered when he'll get a quirk, would it be as flashy as Kacchan's? He clasped his hands together, closing his eyes momentarily, "I wish for an extraordinary quirk that will help me be a hero!"

"The hell you are mumbling about again, useless Deku?!" Kacchan bellowed as he fixed the shorter boy with a frown.


He really was waiting anxiously for his quirk to manifest, so Kacchan would drop every accusation of him being quirkless and useless. He'll show the world that he'll be a great hero one day with his quirk. A nervous grin appeared on his face as he ran after Kacchan who was leaving the greenette behind.

Thinking about it, he really should smack his four years old self for being such an idiot. Smack him badly. He was so stupid to pray for that kind of wish. God has granted him his wish and voila he had a really, really unique one. Throughout the years, Izuku grew more...gloomier. Dark circles adorning his pale face. He rarely smiled, but that was not his fault, people stopped interacting with him, so it's not really his fault that he has no one to share his smile with. Really not his fault. He looked gaunt, pale enough that the people around him assumed that he had a chronic disease. If Izuku were to blame someone, it'll be his quirk. Sure, he wanted a one of a kind quirk, but this was a nightmare. Who in the right mind would like to have a quirk that tries to kill its holder. Maybe, sick bastards out there would like it, but nah; not him. He had enough.

He knew the dark side of the world thanks to his quirk. He knew the taste of fear at the tender age of six. He knew that there was nothing wrong with running away at the age of seven. He knew that it was okay to be scared at the age of eight. He came across the true colors of adults at the age of nine. He knew how corrupted a human heart could get at the age of ten. Izuku realized that it's okay to cry at the age of eleven. He learned to not be sorry for the things he was not responsible for at the age of twelve. Deku cried away the night as he knew that he was never loved by his parents at the age of thirteen. His dreams finally crashed down at the age of fourteen, and he finally sealed his fate at fifteen.

Izuku rubbed his eyes as he spent another sleepless night at the forest. A yawn escaped his parted mouth while he was taking his time leaving the green land. His eyes fell on the sun that was creeping out from the horizon, he avoided the branches with practiced ease. The forest was his second home, or basically his one and only home, he spent more time here than his actual home that was aided with AC, a roof, and solid floor. He halted his steps when he heard a branch snapping behind him. An ominous aura was surrounding him, giving familiar goosebumps all over his body.

A hand grabbed his torso, lifting him away from the ground. Izuku felt air being knocked out of his lungs, but he knew that if he didn't fight back he'll be as good as dead. A fish like face appeared from the dark shadows, mouth opening, sharped teeth glimmered in the dark and tongue dragged over the gigantic fangs, drool trickling down the scaled chin. Yellow slanted eyes glimmered at the teen in its grasp.

"A human kid...it has been a while since I ate your kind!" the saliva thickened as the fishlike monster squeezed Izuku harder. The greenete felt dread creeping his bones, and for some reason he managed a kick on the fish's nose. The monster growled, but loosened his grip. Izuku grinned as he slid between the claws and started running for his life with a boost of unknown energy. He skidded through the bushes and finally made it out the maze of thorns.

He huffed and tried to catch his breath as he looked behind, seeing if it's still following him. The teen started moving, he knew that they don't really like following him when he is in the city or when the sun is glaring at him.

He rubbed his eyes as exhaustion clung on his body. Maybe he could catch sleep, eyes glancing at the watch, two hours before school will start. Sweet! He headed towards the school, walking through the hallways before finally arriving to his class. He sat at his designated seat, reclined his sore back slowly and burrowed his head between his arms. On the count of three, he was lulled to sleep by soft singing of the fairies.

The thought of being a quirkless dude sounded like a bless to him. Why the hell wasn't he born with no quirk? He longed for the days he could laugh freely without a care.


Hello this my first BNHA work, hope you liked it! Please gimme your feed back. Should I continue this?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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