big sister cares the most

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under of fragments.

( big sister cares the most. )



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LASYA WALKS WHILE READING a book, behind her is Erza with her luggage, Happy who eats fish, Lucy and Natsu who bickering like an old married couple, and Gray who strangely still fully dressed.

Honestly, she still wondered how he casually took off his clothes and doesn't care about other people who saw him naked. She assumed it might be because Gray's magic which was ice magic made him feel hot quickly, and finally took off his clothes. 

Lasya doesn't want to imagine how he will be in the summer.

"I'm curious, what book are you actually reading?" the question from Gray made her escape her thoughts.

"A good book."

"Of course it was good, you wouldn't read it if it is not good," Gray snorted, his eyes trying to steal one or two sentences in Lasya's book. "What is the story like?"

"Why are you so curious?" She backed her body. Lasya assumed that the man was bored and tried to bother her.

"Our guild ... " Natsu exclaimed, successfully turning everyone's attention to him. "Someone did this to our guild!" his eyes narrowed as he burned his gaze into the destroyed guildhall.

Lasya looked at the building in front of her with wide eyes. The Fairy Tail headquarters has now been destroyed with several large iron cylinders that stick into the corners of the building. Even though she is a new member, she can feel the anger in her heart.

"But who would do such a thing?" Erza muttered. 

"It was Phantom," Lasya turned when she heard someone's voice from behind. That person is Mira who is now holding back her tears, her fist resting against her chest. "I hate to say it, but they did it. We couldn't do anything to stop them. They got us good."

"Phantom," Gray hissed, his hands tightly clenched.

Mira led the bunch down to the Fairy Tail basement, where the rest of the guild gathered around. Judging from the members there, it seems like no one was injured or maybe the attack was held at night when there was no one around.

"Yo, welcome back!" Master Makarov exclaimed in full energy with red cheeks, immediately assuming he was drunk. But Lasya knew that the old man must be furious, only he tried to look calm to his members. She knew that he couldn't do anything because fighting between guilds is prohibited.

"Why the heck are you all just sitting around down here?!" And it seems like Natsu doesn't understand it.

"Calm down," Makarov said, his cheeks flushed. "This is not something to worry about."

Under of Fragments | Gray. F ✔Where stories live. Discover now