something about them

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under of fragments.
( something about them. )


AFTER THE WAR, LASYA has returned to Lucy's apartment. Although every few days she had to remain routinely to the hospital for rehabilitation or check-up. Yes, at least she doesn't have to be in the hospital forever.

And because of that, finally, Lucy rented a house. The house was not as grand as the Heartfilia family mansion, but it was big enough and comfortable for the two of them. The house has two two-story high. On the first floor, there is a large living room -because usually, Team Natsu gather at Lucy's place- and a fireplace, a fully equipped kitchen -for her to cook and if only Gray asks for strange food-, a dining room, a toilet, a storage room and a backyard garden with terrace. Upstairs there is a lounge, 2 rooms for them, and 1 guest room if Natsu suddenly comes to sleep on Lucy's bed, with a bathroom in each room, and a laundry room at the back.

The location of the house is also not far from the guild or supermarket, so this house is suitable for both.

"You look very busy lately," Lasya spoke as she opened a new page of her book. They were in the living room with Lasya leaning on the sofa and Lucy eating a snack with her feet rested on Lasya's lap.

"Hehe, I'm writing the story again," grinning, she put the chip on her mouth."Oh my gowd is soo good..."

"Don't talk while you eat, Lucy," scold Lasya, who knows how many times already.

Lucy grinned again. "Nee-san, are you really alright?"

"Yes." No. She is not alright. She still had nightmares, terror when she cast magic, and some minor trauma that suddenly appeared. But, she let it go. She didn't want to make Lucy got more worried.

"Thank God, but if Nee-san feels something, just tell me!" she said while patting her chest proudly.

"Hn," Lasya nodded slightly, focusing her gaze on her book. Then Lucy told her about her mission yesterday with Natsu and Happy, complaining that again, the salmon-haired man had destroyed another building.

"You guys are always together," Lasya commented, glancing at Lucy whose face had turned red.

"W-What ... I'm not!!" she shouted.

"Why are you shouting?" she asked, grinning behind her book. "It's still morning, keep your voice down."

"I ... am not .. always been with Natsu ..." she muttered, her face still reddening. The girl immediately unwrapped a new bag of chips and ate it.


"Nee-san!!" she takes a pillow and then she throws it to her sister and like what she already expected, Lasya easily dodges the pillow.

"Do you want breakfast or not?" Lasya asked, shutting the book then moving Lucy's leg from her lap.

"Of course!" answered Lucy, still chewing on the chips. "What? I won't be full just eating this!"

Lasya's gaze fell on the table containing two empty bags of chips and then back at Lucy who was eating her third chips. "No wonder Natsu always complain you're heavy."


Lasya avoided again from Lucy's pillow attack, then quickly went straight to the kitchen. Because it is breakfast, so the food is simple. Opening the refrigerator, Lasya took some ingredients and put them on the table.

Under of Fragments | Gray. F ✔Where stories live. Discover now