Goodmorning, psycho!

365 12 16

| Elizabeth |

School started in a bit, and I was still rushing to get ready. I was still pulling on my hoodie, and straightening out my hair. I stuffed my duffel bag full of clothes and personal items and snatched my backpack off of my nightstand, taking my phone too.

I was heading downstairs to go to school when I heard a loud thud.

"Where do you think your going you little bitch!?" Boomed my father.

Instead of answering I ran out the door, pulling the hood over my head. I was running to school, or more specifically to the meeting place at school.

I ran past kids walking, showing off their magic to their friends, fairies flying in front of giants gaining speed. I finally stopped at a big oak tree to find my best friend Gelda.

We've known each other for pretty much our whole lives, best friends from the beginning. I trusted her with my whole being and she did the same to me. I also trusted her for ... other reasons. She knew my secrets and I knew hers.

"Jeez, Elizabeth are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah I just need to catch my breath."

"Ok, hey? Do you mind if Zel and his brother sit with us at lunch?" She asked.

"It's not a big deal, but Zelly has a brother?"

"Yeah, he just enrolled yesterday. You'll meet him at lunch so I'll leave you two to get to know each other then."

"Oh, cool!"

"One more thing Elizabeth?"


"You staying over tonight?" Gelda soon gestured to my duffel bag.

"Y-yeah, I should've asked earlier. You know to makes sure I cou-."

"You can always come, even if it's on a whim. My house is always open to you, even my parents are fine with it, I mean why wouldn't they be, your practically my sister!" She laughed.

"Thank you, Gelda." I smiled.

She smiled back and just like that we sat in a comfortable silence until the school bell rung, signaling us to head to first period.

I got up and headed to civics, waving goodbye to Gelda. I walked up some stairs looking at my phone, and ended up walking straight into someone's back.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed looking up from my phone, I caught a glimpse of blonde hair.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have just suddenly stopped." He giggled.

I smiled at him and continued walking, I checked the time and broke out into a sprint! I was going to be late!

Sprinting, I got to my class and entered in a few minutes before the bell rang. I took my seat in the back of the class, putting my duffel bag on the empty seat next to me. I got out a book and read, waiting for the other students to file into the class.

Before I knew it class had begun.

"Class please stand and greet your new classmate! Meliodas, you can come in now!" The teacher announced, gesturing to whoever was on the other side of the door.

I quickly dismissed the situation and continued reading. Totally blocking out the teachers words and Meliodas' introduction, until the subject soon concerned me.

"Meliodas, it looks like there is a seat next to Elizabeth, right there in the back. Elizabeth please raise your hand!" Shouted the teacher.

I raised my hand not bothering to look up from my book.

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