You Again?!

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| Elizabeth |

This morning was pretty crazy, I met so many new people. It was kinda fun.

Second period was boring, halfway through the teachers lesson I dozed off and started to draw. The teacher thankfully didn't catch me, and I was able to get away with it.

I walked out of the door to go meet Gelda for lunch, and probably get interrogated too! Soon enough I reached the lunch room and sat at our usual table in the far left corner.

I started unpacking my lunch from my duffel bag and setting it up on the table. I also took out the lunches I made for Zeldris and Gelda, since I always sit with Gelda, and Zeldris always follows.

Not to long after unpacking I saw three people sit at the table with me. Two of them were Gelda and Zeldris, who sat in the opposite side of the table, and the other was a familiar blonde who sat right beside me.

I turned to be met by two pairs of shiny emerald green eyes and blonde messy hair. I stared into the eyes for a bit longer than I should have, admiring them in awe. Though when I came to my senses, Meliodas was just staring at me, as I felt my face warm up from embarrassment.

"W-wha?! You again!?" I screamed, shaking my head to rid of the slowly growing blush.

"Yeah? And?" He said.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, blush slowly dissipating.

"Eating lunch? Can I not eat lunch?" He joked?

Meanwhile Zeldris and Gelda stared at me in amusement. They let us sit there in confusion for a bit before Zel decided to speak.

"Elizabeth, looks like you met my dumbass brother, Meliodas." Zeldris said, trying to suppress a chuckle.

"Shut up you fucking E-boy!" Yelled Meliodas.

I laughed, and started to calm down.

"W-wait, you're his brother?" I asked Meliodas and Zel, still wiping tears from laughing away from my eyes.

Both nodded, and things started to click in my head. We soon fell into a silence as we took notice of our lunch.

Zeldris and Gelda both digging in with me joining in, but then I noticed Meliodas wasn't eating. Then I remembered, I didn't pack extra food!

"Hey why don't you go buy food? You should really eat." I said, trying to see why he isn't eating or getting lunchroom food.

"W-well I really can't, I don't have enough money in my account to do that."

At that moment I felt terrible, because I didn't bring extra lunches for anyone. Though I did just get a sudden idea!

"Want some of mine?" I asked.

Zeldris and Meliodas looked at me and Gelda almost choked on her food.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. Is Ellie actually offering to share her food?!" Said Gelda.

"No way, our Ellie would never! " Shouted Zeldris.

I pouted at the two that teased me.

Meliodas watched and chuckled, causing me to pout at him too.

"It's ok Elizabeth, thank you but you should eat your food, I'll be fine without it." He insisted.

"Bro, what the hell do you think you're doing?! Take the food! She never shares, this should be an honor!" Shouted Zeldris.

That caused Gelda to burst into laughter. I pouted to her, and then scooped up some of my rice and steak with my fork and held it to Meliodas' face. Indicating he should eat it.
He looked hesitant at first, but then his stomach growled and he eventually ate it.

| Meliodas |

I'm pretty sure my eyes were visibly lighting up, her food tasted so good!

"Wow, dis is weawy good." I said, still chewing on my food.

"Thanks!" Said Elizabeth.

We sat there eating, Elizabeth spoon feeding me, because we didn't have an extra fork. The smallest blush was present on my face. In fact it was so small you wouldn't find it if you weren't looking for it, but it for sure was there.

I had such a hard time keeping my poker face on and holding down the ever growing blush on my cheeks. Elizabeth would occasionally give me questioning looks when I closed my eyes, grunting, trying to keep from breaking into a blushing mess.

Elizabeth fed me a few more spoonfuls before we finished eating, and on the last spoonful I swear to the goddesses I heard a phone camera go off, but I quickly dismissed it when I heard the class bell ring.

We all got up and said goodbyes to Zeldris and Gelda, both who had class on the other side of the campus. Then I walked with Elizabeth to F building where both of our classes were.

"So, whats your next class?" I asked trying to break the silence.

"I have physics. You?" She sighed.

I immediately felt giddy for a strange reason.

"Ahhh, I have physics too!"

  "That's great... if we had the same teacher. Wait, who is your teacher?"


Her face lit up in happiness.

  "Me too!"

"That's great!"

I held my hand up for a fist bump, and we fist bumped before heading into class.

We walked into class at just the same time as the bell rang. I smiled and took a seat behind Elizabeth, which was in the back of the room. We unpacked our notebooks, and the lesson soon started.Tthe teacher going over the basic formulas of gravity, speed, acceleration, etc.

However instead of paying attention I already was zoning off into the distance, that distance being the back of Elizabeth and her beautiful silver hair.

Suddenly I had the urge to play with her hair, so I grabbed a few strands and twirled them in my fingers, every now and then braiding them and undoing it. I kept playing with her hair till I noticed the tips of her ears were a bright pink.

She was blushing! How cute!

After noticing her response to me I continued playing around with her hair, her not once telling me to stop. After around ten more minutes the class bell rung and it was about time to head home.

I said my goodbyes to Elizabeth and walked home in a strangely giddy mess.

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