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Pain... a searing agony like nothing I've ever experienced before shot through my body as an unseen attacker jammed its claws into the back of my shoulder, slamming me screaming to the ground. I threw my arms backward in a panic, trying to ward off my assailant. My elbow collided with what I could only assume was the things face sending it tumbling off of me, giving me a chance to scramble to my feet and run for the door across the room.

I pressed the holographic display as fast as my hands would allow, being greeted with "processing" in yellow letters. I slammed my fists against the steel door, hoping that I'd somehow knock it down with brute strength alone. The door didn't fall, and the creature hadn't turned vegan when I had turned around. Seemed my luck had just ran out.

"This is it", I thought as the creature opened it's maw wide , vicious saber like teeth inside of a blood stained mouth. I closed my eyes, praying that my death would be quick, hoping that I wouldn't be alive during its feast as I heard it run towards me.


I wasn't going to die down here, I wasn't going to let my life end on some frozen ice ball in the ass end of the universe. At the very least wasn't going down without a fight.

I opened my eyes, the monster just about to close the distance before being slammed back by a firm kick to the chest, a few audible cracks signaling a few cracked ribs. That kick gave me enough time to scan my surroundings, the door the I came in through was blocked by the creature and the door behind me was still processing, there was one other door to the right of me though, a storage closet it's seemed with a pile of steel pipes inside. "Those could cause some dam-" my idea was cut short as the creature pounced on me, making a horrid screeching noise like a dying animal as it tried to rip out my jugular.

The beast was fast, but it was also quite light, I decided to use this to my advantage as I moved my legs under the creature, bringing my knees to my chest and then straightening them back out towards the things chest, sending it sprawling off of me.

I got back to my feet, panting before running to the supply closet, leaping over the creatures writhing form before picking up one of the heavy steel pipes. I turned around, facing the creature as it began rising back off of the metal floor, it's chest noticeably more collapsed than before as I twirled the pipe like a batter about to hit a home run.

"Come on you ugly son of a bitch" I taunted, hoping that the creature wasn't smart enough to detect the fear in my voice, then again it probably wasn't smart enough to understand what I was saying either. With that, the beast charged, baring its saber teeth and stretching its lanky, bloody claw tipped arms out ready to cut me open.

Some people might say "time seemed to slow" or something like that at this point, time for me on the other hand seemed to race along same as it did before. It even seemed to speed up as I brought the pipe around, eliciting a satisfying CRACK as it slammed into the side of the creatures head.

That crack was met with a meaty thump as the creature fell to floor In a heap, it's skull split wide open as it hit the metal floor. I wish I could say that that was the end of the monstrosity but unfortunately, just as I began to mentally prance in victory, the thing began to rise once agin, leaving a bit of grey matter stuck to the floor as it did so.

"Oh no you don't" I said to the creature, not caring of it understood me or not. Like hell was I going to go another round with mister ugly, and to make sure that didn't happen, I kicked the creature in the side before it could get back up, sending it onto it's back like an upturned turtle. Now, some of you may call what I did next "overkill", but if you had just fought tooth and nail to keep some hideous monster from ripping out your throat, and that creature was about to get back up, you'd probably redefine your definition of "overkill" as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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