Chapter 16

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Hey guys! I finally have time to upload! YAY! :D I just relized now, that my laptop really screwed up that last chapter. I'm so sorry guys! I hope it doesnt screw this one up too... Anyways, Enjoy! :) By the way, its just a filler chaoter for now!! 

Chapter 16


"..Need a ride." Rosalina finishes. Did she really just call me to get her? Maybe she decided to help me! Yes! Then we can be bestfriends again! "Uh, sure. Where are you?" I hear her sigh. "I'm not exactly sure, but I'm freezing. Hurry..." She trails off. I hear the phone hit the ground. "Shit! Rosalina?! Hello?! ROSALINA?!" I shout. She doesnt answer. I hang up and run. I jump in the car and drive. Where the hell could she be?!


"You idiot!" I shout at Louis. "Thats the second time she's done that Louis!" Zayn shouts. "SECOND?! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED WHILE I WAS GONE?!" Louis shouts. Zayn and I exchange a look. "Uh, doesnt matter. WE'RE going to get her. YOU stay here, you've caused enough trouble!" I shout, and Zayn and I jump out of the truck and run after her. 

"Rosalina! What the hell are you doi- ?!"Zayn cuts me off. "Did she just say Saskia?!" He whisper-shouts at me. My eyes widen and I slowly nod. "I-I think she just did..." I stutter. "...Sure, but I'm freezing. Hurry..." Before she can finish her sentence, Zayn hits the phone out of her hand, and ends up knocking her down to. "Shit! Zayn you idiot!" Rosalina and I shout at him. He shrugs and runs to her phone. 

"Why the hell did you call Saskia instead of the police?!" He shouts as he hangs up the phone. She puts her head down and shurgs. "I, I dont know..." She trails off. "Whatever, it doesnt matter. We're going to rescue Harry and Niall, and get the hell outta this place, love." I say. She looks up and glares at me. She jumps to her feet and starts walking to me. " This 'Place' happens to be my home you bas-!" Zayn cuts her off by throwing her over his shoulder. She starts kicking and screaming at him, but he just runs back towards the truck, which is right...not here?! 

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