Savage Cinderella-Chapter 11-Growing Pains

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Chapter 11

Growing Pains

Elated at the prospect of seeing Abby, Brinn bent to pick some leafy greens to add to the fistful of columbine and daisies she collected for her friend. School would be out by now and Abby would be home for the summer. She smiled broadly as she touched the growing bouquet to her nose. 

Justin had given her heart wings. It had been two weeks since he’d left her on the mountain and she woke every morning missing the feeling of being wrapped in the warm safety of his arms. He’d been there when she woke from one of her night terrors and he’d comforted her like nothing else ever had. She’d never felt anything so gratifying and perfect. She couldn’t wait to tell Abby.  

By midday, with the sun hot on her shoulders, she reached the lowland meadows of Abby's farm. The farmhouse was half a day’s hike from her little cabin in the high country and she’d started out at daybreak. Brinn knew the way with little attention to paths or landmarks. If Abby followed her usual routine, she would be out riding and Brinn would find her traveling the trails on Callie, her chestnut mare.

As she hummed her way across the meadow, a familiar silhouette appeared in the distance. This time, however, her friend wasn’t alone. Brinn ducked behind the large willow that stood solitarily in the open field. As the two riders drew nearer, she made out the distinctive shape of a young man with neatly cropped, sand colored hair, riding alongside Abby. Caught between her desire to see her friend and her fear of being seen by a stranger, she remained hidden. 

Abby and the young man chatted and laughed as their horses approached. Brinn, close enough to hear their voices, pressed her back against the broad trunk of the willow, listening to the casual conversation carried on the warm breeze. Abby obviously trusted her companion and the tone of their conversation sounded light, the two laughing and enjoying the sunny day. Maybe he was like Justin, she considered. Maybe he was gentle and good, and would keep her secret if Abby asked him to. Mustering her courage, Brinn stepped out from behind the tree.

The horses started and reared back. The young man let out a girlish squeal as he tumbled from the back of Apollo, Callie’s mate. The bucking Appaloosa stomped the ground, just missing the stunned rider. Abby jumped down from her mount and was at his side in a flash. "Phillip, are you all right?" She fussed over him and brushed the dirt from his clothes as she helped him to his feet. She wheeled on Brinn who was nervously clutching the flowers behind her back.

"What are you doing? He could have been badly hurt!"

Brinn stared at the man, who was visibly angry and shaken. Ashamed and flustered, she looked down at her feet. "I’m sorry. He looks fine," she added. She glanced from her feet to his face but avoided eye contact. The young man gaped at her as if she were an apparition.

The perfect southern hostess, Abby softened her tone and made introductions. "This is my boyfriend, Phillip Maitland. We met at school. He’s majoring in Biomedical Engineering." She paused, waiting for Brinn to make eye contact before continuing. "Phillip, this is my friend Brinn—the one I told you about."

Brinn shot her a harsh look, hurt by the betrayal. When the man held out his hand, she stared at it suspiciously, certain it wouldn’t feel warm and soft like Justin’s had. Besides, they hadn't come to any particular agreement worth shaking on.

Abby smiled and blushed. "She doesn't shake hands, Sweetheart." The embarrassed look on her friend’s face made the hollow place in Brinn’s chest grow bigger.  

Phillip’s hand lowered and the blue eyes that examined her held an expression of mixed distaste and relief. An awkward silence followed and an unpleasant heat flushed Brinn’s cheeks. 

 "I didn't expect to see you today, Brinn. Although, I'm awfully glad you've come,” she added quickly. “I was hoping you would get to meet Phillip. We're engaged." Abby beamed as she held out her hand and revealed a small sparkling stone atop a thin gold band. 

Brinn eyed the stone, not quite certain how to respond. She looked from her friend to the man and back again and repeated the word. "Engaged?"

"To be married, of course." Smiling broadly, Abby tucked her arm under Phillip's and snuggled closer to him, linking her fingers with his and clutching his hand as if ready to drag him off somewhere. 

Brinn shuffled her feet, her nerves starting to squirm. "That's nice," she muttered, not knowing what else to say. It had been just her and Abby for so long. Her stomach tightened and a sick feeling sank into her heart. This man, with the blue eyes and golden hair, was going to take her friend away. Brinn wanted to protest. She wanted Phillip to go away and leave them alone and never come back. She didn't like him or the way he was touching her friend. But Abby glowed with happiness. 

Abby had lost her chubbiness and no longer wore the thick glasses that made her brown eyes large and bug-like. Her face was framed with shorter, wavier tresses that made her appear older and more mature. She’d changed since last fall. She wasn't the girl that Brinn remembered. Now, she was a lady—a woman of the world who had seen things beyond the farm, beyond the mountains.  

"I should go." Brinn said, holding her tears back so hard her throat ached. Helpless to stop the world from changing around her, she bit down hard on her bottom lip to quell the rising emotions. A blanket of hopelessness surrounded her, the weight heavy on her shoulders as she turned to go. The flowers dropped at her feet. 

"Wait,” Abby called out. Brinn turned back, staring at the scattered flowers on the ground. “Phillip is going back to North Carolina next week. I'll have time to get together with you then. I can tell you everything that's been happening since I started school and you can catch me up on how things are with you." Brinn glanced toward Phillip, trying to hide the hurt and sadness festering inside. 

Abby tried to ease the uncomfortable tension in the air. "Phillip and I are going into town later. Maybe you could come with us? You don't mind, do you, Darlin’?" She blinked her eyes oddly at the young man who shifted uncomfortably but didn't protest. He smiled weakly and nodded.

Brinn looked at Abby as if her friend had just invited her to take a spaceship to the moon. Part of her wanted to refuse immediately. But another part heard the invitation in a new light. Kitty was busy with her cubs and hardly around much anymore. Abby was embarking on a whole new journey without her, and Brinn knew Mr. Hoffman would be ready to retire soon. The store was becoming too much for him and he’d mentioned moving to Florida to live with his sister. 

Everyone was moving on without her. She felt a sudden desperation to run away. But instead of wanting to run into the mountains, for the first time, she wanted to run away from them. She thought of Justin and the stories he told her about the world, and a burst of courage bubbled to the surface, an underground spring filling her with new hope. She looked down at her tattered clothing. She couldn’t go looking like this. Her fists remained clutched at her sides, her eyes focused on the ground, "I don't think I can."

“I know I’ve asked you to come out of hiding a million times, but I really want you to consider it, Brinn.” Abby picked up the flowers, straightened the bunch and sniffed them. A sympathetic but determined smile spread across her face. “We aren’t children anymore and it’s time for your coming out. There is a whole wonderful world out there, and you are missing it. And more importantly, the world is missing out on you.” She crossed her arms, tucked the flowers under her elbow and put her foot down hard. “I’m not hiding you anymore, and this time, I won’t take no for an answer.”  

Brinn looked down again at her boots and grubby wardrobe, and scratched at the knotted nest on her head. "Do you have clean clothes that I could wear?"

Taken aback and overcome with surprise and pleasure, Abby wrapped Brinn in a warm embrace, the wilted flowers still clutched in her hand. "Of course I do! I've waited a long time for you to make your debut. We are going to fix you up to look gorgeous."

Phillip snorted as if to say "Good luck with that," but to his credit kept his mouth shut.

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