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I ran into the forbidden forest. I didn't know where I was going but i knew i had to hide, till it was time to be back. So that's what I did. I went hiding in the forest.
I knew for a fact that a war was going to happen whether we liked it or not. Because I was weak (I was trapped for 15 years on a tree what do you expect) I took all my time up with training. Thank goodness I still had my wand, I wouldn't know what to do without it. So I trained and trained. We all knew a war was coming whether we like it or not and there is no time to lose.
Back to my "power" that I think i inherited from the tree. I would feel a surge of electricity travel through my body and i could shoot it out of my fingertips. After a while I could control it.
I couldn't wait to use it against Voldermort. He is the monster that destroyed my family. My poor Draco, I wonder what he is doing now. I wish I could go see him.
But, for now hiding is my top priority, until I'm ready to emerge and destroy Voldermort.

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