Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jason woke up with a start and yawned. He stayed at Camp Half Blood more now.

Hazel and Frank had left yesterday. Frank was praetor after all, and needed to help Reyna back at Camp Jupiter.

Jason suddenly realised he felt...odd. He felt lighter. He glanced down at himself and screamed.

"Gods of Olympus!"

He rushed towards the only mirror in Cabin 1, and he didn't need to push anyone out of the way because Cabin 1 was empty except for him nearly always.

A blond haired, blue eyed girl stared back at him. No wonder he felt lighter. He was smaller than his usual self, and the old T-shirt and pyjama bottoms he wore were baggy and saggy.

This was what Percy must have felt like when he became a girl! he mentally screamed.

All Jason's T-shirts were too big for him. It was 7:30am. Jason washed up slightly, wore his slippers and ran out of the cabin, without bothering to change clothes. He needed help.

Most campers were either at the hall or on the way to there. Many sent him odd looks. He ignored them, ran to Cabin Three and rapped loudly on the door. A dishevelled Percy opened the door and squinted tiringly.

"Percy it's me!" Jason yelled. Percy looked confused. "Uh...Hi Mee."


"What?" Percy gasped, more awake now. He narrowed his eyes at Jason. "Is that you Jessie?"

"Percy this isn't funny." Jason groaned. "It is." Percy interrupted, grinning widely. "If its not Jessie then how bout Blond Superwoman?"

Jason sighed exasperatingly. "My clothes won't fit me. What did you do to get appropriate fitting clothes?"

"Annabeth lent them to me." Percy shrugged. "And the other way round too."

"Do you think this only affected me or did it affect Piper too?" Jason asked. "And

can you lend me some clothes?"

"Sure. Come in Jessie." Percy bowed and moved to the side to let Jason in. Jason shook his head. "Don't call me Jessie."




"Don't call me that."

"Blond Superwoman."


Percy laughed and threw Jason a camp Half Blood T-shirt in smaller size and jeans. "Here you go Jessie. But I'm not sure if the jeans will fit you because you are a bigger size even as a girlie."

"If you call me Jessie or Blond Superwoman I'll call you Paige." Jason grumbled.

Percy winked and swayed his hips. "You're welcome to call me Paige, Jessie."

Percy really wasn't going to stop calling him Jessie or the other more distasteful nickname Blond Superwoman, was he?

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