Chapter 1: Planning my own Funeral

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HEY GUYS! I'm so happy you chose to actually read this currently uncompleted book. A lot will happen and it probably won't make sense at first but I promise it will get getter.😂 every author says that. Thanks.

It's bright....the sun! Waking up in my bed, I turn my head to see the time on my clock. It's approximately 7:31. Shit.

I climb out of bed to head to the bathroom to start the day that may just change my life. It's the first day for me at Ekco Academy. I smile to myself since I've been always wanted to go to this school and finally after hardship, too many coffee, multiple tests, and quite some tutoring for money, I made it. I opened the cabinet to pull out my toothbrush and toothpaste. I choked on the toothbrush when my mom called my name downstairs.

"Maggie!" She hollered. I couldn't reply because the toothbrush was still in my mouth. I yanked it out, cupped my hands to receive some water, and brought it up to my mouth. After the water had a war in my mouth, I shot it out into the sink and wiped my lips with my fingers.

"Yes." I responded.

"Your car is here," my mom yelled and I literally almost fell from jumping because of the excitement. I've been wanting a car for so long, and since the academy is a state away. I get to drive there by myself today. Of course, it's a 4 hour drive but that's okay.

"Ahh," I basically scream and go to my closet to pick out the most adorable outfit I could find. This was before I knew the school had us wear uniforms.

Tight navy blue skinny jeans, a cute white tank top with ruffles on the top, black converse, a brown belt, and my hair in a bun is definitely the best way to start off the day. I also added a bit blush to give myself life on the cheeks, red lipstick, my favorite eyeliner, and mascara to finish off my perfect day with a perfect look. I swooped by the bathroom mirror to take a peek at myself.

"Looking good!" I said to no one in particular while doing the finger snaps on both hands and smiled.

"Maggie!" My mom hollered again, warning me to hurry up otherwise I would be late for administration.

"Coming!" I told her and ran to pick up some books, my phone, a leather jacket, my luggage since I'm staying in a dorm, extra stuff, and my letter of acceptance along with some other documents for transfers.

Since it's already mid-November, I'm a late transfer. However that didn't make me feel bad or behind, that just pushes me to wanting to study more to catch up to the rest of the students. As I reached the door, I halted and did a half spin to look at the room I have grown to love in just a year. I'm leaving everything behind to chase my dreams. I smiled seeing the pictures of me and my friends at my 16th birthday, 2 months ago. I looked at my empty desk which has always been strong to withhold all my textbooks. I stare at the clock that told me this morning to wake up. I look at my turquoise bed with my stuffed giraffe, Polka Dots. I smile even though I'm sad to leave. A lot of emotions are hitting me this one moment: sadness, happiness, fear, relief, and before I knew it a tear found its way down my cheek. I didn't mind to wipe it away.

I spun around once again to open the door. Carrying all my junk outside the door, I closed it and stared down the stairs to find my idiotic brother playing his Nintendo DS and my mom holding my car keys dangling it right in front of me.

I started my way down to only stop midway because the luggages were so heavy. Paul, my mom's husband, helped carry the luggages down.

"Thanks," I whispered and he nodded.

"Mom...," I lost my voice.

"Oh....sweetie, don't cry," she embraced me and patted my back.

"We'll come visit you, we will," she assured me as Paul agreed with her.

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