It all happened when my friend Kierra told me about this guy liking me so I started messaging him on this thing called kik. We talked for two weeks until it got serious, When he first told me he loved me I was so happy and I choked. I was so psyched that anyone could love me.
Then on October 1st, He told me he wanted me to go out with him. I said yes. Of course I mean he is cute, funny, and can be a gentleman. That is what I love about Him. Everyday he messages me in the morning and every night before bed. He calls me beautiful and admires my voice & smile. He says one day we will be the perfect couple, Cuddling on stormy nights, Holding hands at the movies, and kissing on Valentines day.
We talk like we have known each other for thousands of years, And how much he loves me. He cant stand when other people talk about me in a bad way. And when other guys look at me wrong he will hurt them because I am his girl. I love him because he helps me when I am down and glum, When I am happy he makes me smile even more, And he is my one and only. I love Him.
He is the sweetest guy on the planet because he tells me that I could never be replaced for as long as we are together. He also tells me he doesn't care how pretty I am, He just cares about my personality and the way I act when I talk with him. I hope I never lose him because they always say that your 7th grade love is the one you will marry later in life. Boy I hope that is true because I feel that he is the one for me!