Let's Make This Last Forever.

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AN: Just 'cause I felt like it. fluffffffffffff warning (what else is new?)

 It was a typical car ride for Harry and Louis on an unusually warm spring day. Harry was at the wheel, as per usual, while Louis watched him from the passenger seat in mild amusement, staring at his boyfriend who was singing his heart out to the radio. Louis scanned over his facial features as he belted out each and every lyric beautifully, wondering how he had gotten lucky enough to land a man like Harry. You would think that since, singing was their job, that Louis would be used to Harry's deep, soothing voice, but no, to this day his breath hitched at the sheer beauty that was Harry Style's voice.

You'd also think that Harry and Louis would've gotten sick of each other by now, but nope, their relationship was as strong as ever, nearly three years in. Louis watched intently as Harry rocked his head to the music, chocolate curls splaying across his pale-skinned face and he couldn't help but stare at his boyfriend's pale pink lips as he licked them slowly in between lyrics, managing to never once missing a word. Louis smiled at how perfect Harry looked while he was singing, especially when his neck strained to hit a high note, making his pulsing veins that much more visible.

Harry was lost in the song, and Louis guesses that's one of the reasons he loves Harry because he always so passionate when it comes to music. Well among other things...

It wasn't until the song was over and the radio announcer started to speak that Harry finally felt Louis' eyes on him. Turning down the radio, he glanced quickly to his left to meet Louis bright blue stare, a slight blush rising on his cheeks.

"Lou..." Harry said cautiously, slightly embarrassed that Louis had been staring at him while he got lost in the music.

"Yes Hazza?" Louis said with a smile, fully satisfied with the blush he pulled onto the younger one's face.

"Why are you staring at me?" Harry said glancing towards his odd boyfriend quickly before settling his eyes back on the road.

"Because I love you." 

"Oh...I like that reason." Harry said as another song came onto the radio. Harry reached over and turned the dial raising it as a familiar song came on the radio, this time Louis joining in.

"In the car I just can't wait to pick you up on our very first date." Harry started.

"Is it cool if I hold your hand?" Louis sang along as he reached over to intertwine his small fingers with Harry's long ones, flashing a quick grin over to Harry before continuing. "Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?"

"Do you like my stupid hair?" Harry sang with a quick flip of his hair, that made Louis emit a very un-masculine giggle (not that he'd ever admit to it).

"Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?"

"Let's go, don't wait, this night's alm-" Harry singing came to a stop when Louis turned the radio down. Louis face was contemplative as Harry once again glanced over to his boyfriend, whose expression was absolutely adorable.

"Do you remember our first date?" Louis asked out of nowhere.

"Of course I do boo." Harry said with a small smile across his face. "How could I forget?"

Louis was suddenly brought back to that night nearly three years ago, back when they were simply teenagers. "It seems like forever ago..."


Louis sat on the end of his bed, clothes scattered across his room. He let out a frustrated groan into his hands as he pulled at his still wet hair. What was he even supposed to wear?

Let's Make This Last Forever (A Larry Stylinson Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now