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I see like one of the most hottest guys there
G-are you ok
A-yeah fine
As I was still staring at him
He walks over to me and gabbi
??-hi are tall y'all here for camp
A-ummmmm is my mom sent me here
??-oh cool what's your name??
A-aria whats yours
A-well alex this is my best friend Gabbi
Al-oh cool nice to meet you Gabbi
G-you to
As she was giving him the death stare
Al-well ummm I will see y'all. Later at dinner or lunch
G-yeah ight
As he was walking away
A-Gabbi what the heel was that
G-nothing I was just protecting you
A-well I don't need protecting he is cute
G-ok so you telling me you like him
A- no not necessarily I just like his personality for right now
G-ok well I want you to be careful
A-ok I always am lol
G-hmmmm ok that's what you said last time and look where that got your dad

I had a ex boyfriend who only wanted me for sex and he said if I didn't he would kill my dad and I got tuff one day and I didn't have sex with him and he shot my dad I think that is why my mom sent me here to get my off things

A-yeah I know but this will not happen I promise
G-don't make promises you can't keep
A-ok but plz be nicer next time

Sorry for not updating all the time I have been depressed....but that is not and excuse just for me not updating you get 2 chapters for today

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