packing time

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I-mom said if you dont hurry up and pack then she is leaving and she said that Gabbi is coming to
I said while craming stuff in my suitcase
I-damnit I hear emmalee
A-here pack some cute outfits for me and I will go get her
I walk down stairs and get emmalee
I-hey can you pack her baby bag*she yelled*
A-yeah*I yelled back*
I get all my stuff packed and I get in the car
I-oh yeah aria I know that you are 17 and you like to be independent
A-yeah your point
I-nothing just be you and if you find a guy just be careful
A-ok I always am
M-yes listen to your sister aria
A-yes ma'am
M-thank you ok so we are picking up gabbi and then we are gonna go get y'all on the bus
A-yayay*I say sarcasticly*nobody wanna be on a stanky bus
I-dont be rude to anyone
A-no promises

1 hour later
We arrive
At the buses yaya camp here we come

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