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Paul walked down the sidewalk with Pablo, taking the young boy to school before he himself had to go and be locked away in that hell for hours. Hours more seeing as he was graduating.

"So did you talk to your monster?" Paul asked the boy who nodded happily,

"I did!! He's super nice!"

"What's his name?"

"Devin...but he said his friends call him Ghost so I can call him Ghost!".

Paul smiled at the boy, ruffling his hair, "hey that's good buddy! See I told you they're nice"

"Mhm! Oh! Look what he did" Pablo sat on the sidewalk and took off his shoe, showing Paul his toenails which had been painted a bright blue. Paul smiled wider,

"Nice colour bud"

Pablo beamed at him and put his sock and shoe back on, continuing to walk with Paul who stopped when they reached Pablo's school, hugging his brother goodbye before walking to the high school.


"Ricky quit shoving!"

"I'm not shoving! Your elbow is digging into my crotch!"

"Ghost move your ass"

"Why? So you can stare at it?"

"Quit putting your arms through me!"

"All of you shut up!!".

At Chris' voice, the monsters fell quiet with limited muttering, the tall monster sitting down and looking through the gaps in the bleachers to look for Paul.

"He's not up yet" Chris announced and the monsters leaned back, hardly visible in the dark,

"Y'know he's gonna bug you even more about coming to our realm" Kuza said, looking up at Chris who looked hesitant,

"I know"

"Why'd you even agree?" Angelo asked,

"Because, his home life is...awful, he wants to get away"


"Look, I'm waiting a few years to see if he changes his mind"

"Fair enough" Kuza said with a shrug and went back to watching through the bleachers, Chris looking out and noticing a mop of white hair.

He wondered if he was doing the right thing.

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