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Paul came home the next day sniffling, shuffling into his room almost in bits after his father had yelled at him for crying. Men didn't cry, not unless they where pansies and Dick didn't raise pansies. 

Looking up, Paul almost shrieked again upon seeing the monster on his bed, it's face was half obstructed by a veil of long black hair and it beckoned him over, 

"Come here".

Too afraid to deny a monsters request, Paul shuffled forwards and the monster grabbed his wrists gently, looking at his skinned hands and then the black eyes seemed to flick down to Paul's skinned knees. 

"What happened?" The monster asked, his voice deep and smooth. It was rather comforting and Paul sniffled, 

"A-A kid pushed me because I said I liked pink...he called me a sissy" 

The monsters face contorted in rage, its human features warping to something more inhuman and terrifying and Paul whimpered, his lips trembling and upon seeing that, the monsters face softened.

"Come here" The monster said, sitting up against Paul's headboard and Paul hesitated before crawling onto the monsters lap, clinging onto it's ratty shirt and whimpering a little as the monsters large hand rubbed his back, the other one holding him against his chest. 

"You can cry if you'd like, no one will hear you" 

"Only pansies cry" Paul mumbled and the monster chuckled, 

"I cry" 

"You do?" Paul asked, sniffling and looking up at the monster who nodded, 

"I do" 

"What do monsters have to cry about?" 

"A lot of stuff" The monster said, "I worry, I worry about my friends, I worry about you" 

"Me?" Paul asked in a small voice and the monster nodded, 

"You, I'm more of a protector than anything" 

"...Oh, I just thought you were a mean monster" Paul said and the monster smiled, showing off the sharp teeth Paul had seen the previous nights however it didn't make Paul afraid, it almost comforted him knowing he had someone looking after him even if that someone was a terrifying monster who could probably crush him with a single squeeze. 

"I'm a mean monster huh?" The monster said, ghosting his nails along Paul's sides and making him giggle, 

"Yea! You're just a big mean monster!" Paul said, playing along and the monster growled playfully, starting to tickle Paul carefully and making the boy burst into giggles, squirming around and trying to make the monster stop tickling him however the monster persisted until Paul was out of breath and giggling. Eyes shining up at the monster who smiled warmly, 

"What's your name? I feel bad calling you monster when you aren't all that bad..." Paul asked and the monster hummed, 

"My name is a bit too difficult for you to say, you can call me Chris" 

"Okay Chris!" Paul chirped and the monster brushed the boys hair out of his eyes, Paul suddenly feeling sleepy and the monster moved from under him, laying him down and tucking him in carefully, 

"Go to sleep Paul, I'll protect you" Chris said and Paul could only sleepily nod as he drifted off to sleep. 


Paul woke up what felt like hours later but his clock told him it was only thirty minutes. Chris was nowhere to be found but Paul could still feel his presence, it wasn't threatening, it was welcoming and warm. 

Paul looked over at his side table again and perked up upon seeing a pink flower laying on it, the delicate petals being Paul's favorite shade and the boy quickly hid the flower in his drawer, he'd ask for his teachers help in pressing the flower tomorrow. 

Hearing his name being called, Paul got up and waved to the space under his bed before he left for dinner.  

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