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I pulled him out of the water and drove back to the island, I watched 2D climb out of the boat and not dare to make eye contact with me. I started pumping murdocs chest until he turned on his side and threw up a bunch of salt water. I didn't even speak to him I pulled him into a hug and just held him while he coughed up more water. I felt another pair of arms wrap around me from behind, "Stu" I said quietly turning so i could hug him too. He didnt cry he just held me. Instantly i started sobbing, murdoc sat up and looked at me weakly "dont cry love" he said that only made me cry harder as I pulled them closer, "you guys im so sorry. Im just really stressed" murdoc covers my mouth "dont. Ya dont need to apologize" he pulled me into his lap and snuggled me. I reached for 2D and ended up finding a way to cuddle both of them at the same time.

After a while of just sitting with each other I got up "let's go eat. I'm hungry." I said, murdoc sighed and stood up. I saw him help 2D up but 2D just sat back down and curled into a ball, I frowned "you smell like saltwater mudz. go shower ok?" Murdoc nods walking off, i walked over to Stuart and sat down beside him i ran my fingers through his damp hair, he looked at me his nose bleeding and tears dripping down his face. "Oh my god" I said helping him sit up "dont worry love. Im used to it" he says wiping his nose in his sleeve. It just kept bleeding, "whenever i cry too much it just bleeds" he says sadly. I kissed his forehead "well then dont cry. Im sorry for taking my anger out on you when you really did nothing." he sighed looking at me and continuing to wipe his nose. I sighed knowing how hard it was to get blood out of white clothing, "stop doing that. come on lets fix your nosy" i said helping him stand and leading him to the bathroom. I shoved a tissue up his  nostril and made him sit on the toilet "arms up. Lets get that bloody shirt off you" i say he smiles slightly and listens. I tossed the shirt into the laundry bin and sat on the counter looking at him. "Relax yourself. Thankfully ive had enough nose bleeds to know how to get them to go away" Stuart sighs and reaches for me "can yew hug meh?" He says still shaking. "I love yer hugs" he whispers. I smiled and sat down in his lap gently and wrapped my arms around him, he hugged back instantly and i felt him stop shaking, his breathing began to slow and i could hear his heart slow down to a normal pace again. I smiled and sat up looking at him he smiled "you are really cute Stu." he blushed "yew calm me. I cant help it, yew are different den da other girls I've been wiff" I blushed and kissed his cheek.

He smiled at me "fanks, uh do yew fink its still bleeding?" He says looking a bit nervous, I gently removed the tissue and it turns out his nose really stopped bleeding. I smiled and helped him clean up his face, "don't put your head back for a while ok?" He nods and I hand him a clean shirt. I leave the bathroom hearing him follow me, "oi is he alright?" Murdoc asks he now had a different outfit on and he was cooking something on the stove, i smiled "his nose was bleeding. Now its not" 2D sits down at the table and smiles widely, "ah I see. So uh I only got chicken noodle soup here, i need to go back to civilization and get more food." he says randomly. Instantly my heart stops beating "civilization?!" Murdoc looks at me and shrugs. "Hey could i come with you? Cuz I need to get some things" He raises an eyebrow "what kind of things love?" He stepped closer starting to glare at me. I stayed calm "well in about five days im supposed to get my period and i feel like you dont have any tampons around here, but ya know if you really want me to bleed all over" he covers my mouth "alright! Ya can come. Guess ill have to bring faceache too" he says slightly annoyed "we leave tomorrow then alright? We will return to civilization in three days then ya can get ya bloody tampons" he says walking back to the stove and continuing to cook the soup. Only i knew what i was truly gonna do the minute we got back to civilization. I was gonna run, and not look back. I could finally be free. I finished dinner with the boys and walked into the bathroom to take a shower, after i showered i walked out to the smell of popcorn "there you are. Come come" murdoc says grabbing my wrist and pulling me to the living room, the tv was on and it was playing a horror film, 2D sat on the couch staring at the tv eating popcorn from a giant bowl. "Movie night sound good?" Murdoc says smiling.

I grinned "sounds like a plan," I say sitting beside 2D, murdoc grabs a blanket and turns the three of us in and snuggles up next to me. Stuart does the exact same and we continue to watch the movie together. I woke up to murdoc gently brushing my hair, I looked at him and saw it was daylight "whoa. I didnt even realize i fell asleep" Murdoc laughed "yeah i was just helping ya get ready cuz we gotta go." I smiled and kissed his cheek "thanks mudz. I can take it from here though" i say taking the hair brush from him. He nods and walks off, Stu walks over to me "yew told me yew wouldn't be getting yer period dis month love" he says smirking. my eyes widened "yew wanna run away dont yew? Can I come wiff yew?" I let out a breath of air i didnt realize i was holding in and smiled. "Dont tell murdoc ok? You can, ive got an apartment we can go to" he smiles and hugs me "i love yew!" He says cutely, i hear someone growl behind us "ya cant love her. Shes mine!" I looked over "what if I love him too?" Murdoc starts sulking "thats unfair, take that back!" He snaps, i walk over to him and kiss his cheek "oh no I didnt give the mudzy his morning attention yet" he raises an eyebrow "huh?" I snicker and kiss him on the lips, he melts into me and i pull away and hug him. "That better?" He nods smiling cutely. "Alright lets get to traveling then." I say walking outside, the boys follow me and we begin our journey back to civilization.

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