Part Two: Homophobe? No Thanks.

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"I love gay people or as I like to call them...people."

Homophobia is an interesting beast in its own right but it boils down to this simple fact: Men (self-proclaimed manly men of little understanding) dislike and fear the idea of being treated like a woman.

"What do you mean I'd have to be objectivly looked at as a sexual object?"

"What do you mean I'll be seen as a less powerful human being as I let somone else be on top who is as strong if not stronger than me?"

"What do you mean I'll be seen as more feminine?"

"Well count me out! And while I'm at it let me make fun and threaten others who make me feel uncomfortable with the fact that deep down inside I kind of liked how all that sounded."

See what I mean? Homophobia is unrational and is based in fear. It's the fear of being seen as a less potent 'strong' man. Its the fear that you will be put under someone else. It is the fear of the feminine, a deep seated and also religious based fear {AKA: traitorious Eve and her apple picking} and also the fear of being outcasted and seen as less than.

Wow sounds like a bum rap huh? Yeah well your telling me.

Homophobes are uninformed, ignorant or simply afraid of thier own interests in such a life style. I say give them a break, it's gotta be hard being stupid.


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