Chapter 1

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Cheyenne stood by the glimmering sink, taking dirty dishes from one side and placing them into a bowl of water on the other. She had been a maid with the same people for nearly six years now, and the tasks she was given didn't seem all that bad but are now incredibly tiring and tedious. The entire job was beginning to drag on, longer and longer each day as a matter of fact. She let out a big groan as she placed the final dish into the tub and scrubbed them as clean as she could get them. Even though she worked in a rather large house, everything was starting to get more cramped and it was really getting to her. "It really is just a way to make good money" she fumed inwardly. She had to find a more enjoyable job.

When she'd started this line of work, it had seemed enjoyable and charming. She had the chance to walk around a beautiful, grand house everyday, and vaguely see the handsome stranger every now and then, which sounded fantastic until she found out that he was always upstairs in his bedroom that was strictly out of bounds for maids like her. The hours would drag on too. Twelve hour days were not uncommon and free sleeps in the downstairs lounge had definitely worn out their appeal.

Cheyenne was burnt out, the excitement had disappeared and now all she saw was the scrubbing and polishing side of her job. Making breakfast and lunch for people, dealing with hormonal tantrums and constant relationship problems. For the past couple of months, the one thing that had stopped her from completely giving up was the rare sighting of him, she was sure from first glance that he was the one. He was tall with broad shoulders, And Cheyenne was the complete opposite. She only ever saw him for a few split seconds while he was walking from room to room through the hallways, but he wandered around the house regularly always to complain to his parents about something. A rumour spread that he was once a maid himself, he moved back and forth from house to house just making everything shine and sparkle.

He had a rather nice body which took Cheyennes attention and he wore loungers with no shirt on around the house like that's what he was born to wear. He had light hair that was always perfectly imperfect. His skin was tanned, giving him a slightly mysterious look, but his brown eyes were the first thing that struck her about him. They were electric and grabbed her instantly.

She had noticed his muscly upper figure, his fingers were long. She could clearly picture them trailing across her skin. Agonising, painful hours were made a lot more interesting by one second of locking eyes with him soon followed by a daydream of passionate kissing, ass grabbing and him fiercely pulling her body closer to his, close enough that she could feel his penis growing hard against her hip. She imagined that he would be an amazing kisser, that he'd know exactly where to touch her to make her feel turned on. Just thinking about it would make her grow wet underneath her rather fetching maid outfit, her cheeks would blush with pleasure. It was usually difficult to catch her bearings after these flushes of emotions and she felt sure that if anyone saw her they would know exactly what she was thinking. She prayed not.

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