⋈ 6. Old Rivals ⋈

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I watched as the Lamb opened the first of seven seals,
and I heard one of four living creatures say in a voice like thunder:


As they neared the base, Jodie and the rest of the Monarch team filed into the Argo's hangar and into an Osprey

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As they neared the base, Jodie and the rest of the Monarch team filed into the Argo's hangar and into an Osprey. Once they were aboard and buckled in, the platform door opened below them.

"Hang on." the pilot said.

Turning her attention out the window, Jodie took a deep breath, focusing on the world outside. She couldn't see much save for a bright array of stars, framed in moonlight and a thin layer of clouds. Snow whirled past the window in thick flurries. Her nose scrunched in a slight grimace. Jodie always hated the cold.

Meanwhile, G-Team geared up.

"Shows signs of heavy contact," one of the men said, pulling up a ground scan. "Looks like there's casualties."

Switching to a map of the base, it depicted a network of tunnels carved through the ice - and one large cavern they all led to. Graham pointed at the central chamber.

"If they are looking to extract genetic samples they'll be here - in the biolabs."

Something about that struck Jodie as wrong. Monster Zero was frozen solid, there was no need for the ORCA let alone Emma and Madison. There was a chance they didn't need them yet, but that just made her even more nervous. What if the two hostages weren't even here? She cleared her mind of the questions. There was no turning back now.

"Alright, two minutes." Barnes yelled over the Osprey's whirring and the wind outside. "Check your equipment and stand by the door!"

Those two minutes felt like an eternity, but eventually the Osprey touched down and G-Team marched out onto the ice. Jodie and the others hung back until they got the all-clear. It was hard to wait when everyone else was so restless. Jodie motioned to bite her nails but barely remembered she was wearing gloves. Mark was pacing back and forth, Serizawa subconsciously held his pocket watch in one hand, and the others were glued to a series of screens showing G-Team's movements. Finding that her mind could only focus on Gill and the increasingly illogical circumstances surrounding the kidnapping, she joined them in watching the live feed.

They all watched intently, no one daring to take a breath.

As Foster divided the team, they soon began picking their way through the tunnels. That was when they saw the corpses. Jodie shuddered, feeling slightly nauseous at the sight of more bodies - more colleagues. As they continued on, she found it hard to breathe altogether, having to step away from the screens to collect herself.

"Remember. Eyes wide, we got friendlies in here." Foster said, voice shrouded by static.

Suddenly, the cameras stopped moving. Within seconds a loud noise that could only have been an explosion sounded from deep within the base, then every camera was a blur of confusion. It was dizzying to watch, yet nearly everyone in the Osprey couldn't bring themselves to look away. But Jodie had seen enough bloodshed in one day. She all but collapsed on one of the seats, legs feeling like jelly as she tried to calm herself down.

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