The Legion x Kai (Part 1/4)

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Another place, another killer on the hunt. Kai brushed the dirt off of his knees and stood up in a defensive stance as he heard the loud thumps of somebody walking. Kai hid behind a rock that was conveniently located next to him. The loud thumps soon disappeared and Kai's loud breaths slowly calmed down. He got back to his feet and ran of to a large carnival that lit up the whole map. "Hello?" Kai's voice was quiet and tired. "Hello please come here" a voice cried for help. "Right by the generator" Kai crouched next to it and helped the scruffy man named Jeff with the old generator. Kai pulled out multiple wires from the little compartment. They were all colour coordinated to certain plugs in the compartment. Blue Red Green and Yellow. Kai cautiously place the red wire into the red plug and nothing happened except from a small ding. 'I guess that's done' Kai thought to himself. He then continued to match up the remainder of plugs and wires until the generator lit up the surrounding area causing a loud noise to alert the killer better known as the legion. Kai got up from crouching and ran from the legion for a few minutes throwing pallets on the floor and and vaulted over many small walls until he was yet again cornered up towards the upstairs of the lodge in Ormond. Kai crouched down accepting his fate as his legs started to shake as he got closer down to the crumbling wooden floor. "Stand!" Kai  heard the blood thirsty masked murderer speak from under the makeshift mask. Kai's leg shook yet again as he took a stance blocking any incoming lethal stabs coming his way when he heard the loud ear piercing sound of his knife being thrown at the now shattered mirror. He took hold of Kai's wrist firmly and pulled them down revealing the white haired boy scared shitless. The legion removed his hands from his wrist and began groping the boys waist and arms. Kai was paralysed in shock not knowing what to do until her got the sudden hint to use this to his advantage. Kai slowly lifted up the old mask from the mans face revealing his pretty sculpted face.

Frank panicked and covered Kai's eyes and smashed his lips onto his. They moved they're hands around each other's bodies as Frank pulled away from his sloppy kiss leaving Kai drooling for more. Kai looked down at the not so much surprising tent in the mans pants. Kai smirked as he placed his hand at the bottom of Franks shirt slowly lifting it and his shirt and letting his hand take control. Frank left sloppy kisses all over Kai's neck until he bit into his skin harshly forcing a moan out of Kai's saliva drenched lips. As Kai let his hand stroke Franks obvious V line and slowly caressed up along his hard abs. Franks breaths became heavier making Kai more curious. A loud bang went off and Legion pulled away from Kai's body completely and tried to run down the stairs. Kai ran after him grabbing his hand and pulling him in for another kiss. The Legion was completely lost in the kiss and couldn't care for the others anymore. He lifted Kai by his thighs and put him on a convenient box that was placed at the bottom the stairs. He found another knife and used it to slowly split open Kai's shirt and began leaving many dark purple love bite bruises all over his neck chest and at the bottom of his stomach. "You're mine now Kai" he whispered into his ear. "No you're mine Kai yelled back at him throwing off his hood and placing his wet lips on his muscular neck leaving a faint bruise on him. "Oh" Kai muttered. Frank laughed at him and grabbing his cheek for another kiss.

Two more generators have gone off at this point but Frank was more interested in Kai and his sexually appealing body that could satisfy his sexual frustration. Kai moaned into his mouth as the battle of the tongues commenced in Kai's mouth. Obviously Frank won as he pulled way with saliva drooling from his gorgeous lips. Both of the doors were now open. "I'll take you" Frank said taking off his grey hoodie and helped Kai put it on. It was baggy and bigger than Kai's torso. He zipped it up and carried him bridal style to the door that was opened. He elegantly placed Kai down letting him leave off into the the campsite.

"Ok, look. If we survive the next 24 hours, then I'll take you out on a real date."
-Dead By Daylight Perk: Wake Up

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