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I walked through the busy hallways ignoring loud chatter. It was Friday and everyone is excited about the weekend. But I am too tired to move. I just wanted to sleep whole week after all the drama and parties. Jungkook became one more problem for me. He is back to his asshole self. I have been thinking about it for a while now. Jungkook has more mood swings than a pregnant woman or a girl on her periods.

I am sure neither Yena nor me have this drastic mood changes when we are on our periods. He is too wild like one second he is sweet then next second he is ignoring me. It is not even minutes. His mood changes within seconds. I sighed loudly not thinking about where I am going. "Watch out" I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt something hit my face. "Ahh" I cried out in pain closing my eyes. I heard a thud on the ground and realized it was a ball.

"Y/n, are you alright?" I heard Jimin voice. I opened one of my eyes and realized I am standing in the middle of basket ball ground. How the hell did I end up here? "I am fine" I mumbled embarrassed. "Let me take you to infirmary" Jimin told something to his team before dragging me off the court. "Can you walk? Do you want me to carry you?" my eyes widened and I shook my head at him. "I can walk" I told him before bumping to the pillar on the way.

"You are not ok" I screeched when I felt being taken away from the ground. Jimin carried me in his arms in princess style to infirmary. Since it was break time everyone is in the halls. "Jimin, everyone is looking at us" I don't want to become the hot topic of the school today but he didn't listen to me. "They all know how close we are so it would be fine" I sighed in irritation at his words. People may know this but they will never let this go. Sometimes this boy forgets how popular he is.

"Hi, she is hit by the ball" Jimin explained the situation to Nurse and she gave me an ice pack. "Are you ok?" I rolled my eyes at him. "You blowing it out of proportion" he touched my forehead and I hissed in pain. "You are bleeding" he ignored my words and asked nurse for bandage. "How did you manage to bleed when you were hit by a ball" she mumbled to herself patching up my wound. "She is really clumsy" I glared at Jimin when he commented about my clumsiness. I know I am clumsy but I don't hurt myself. I am dancer and I intent to pretend myself from injuries.

"I will write you a pass for half day leave" she handed me slip before leaving us alone. "I will drop you at home" Jimin has practice match today and it will start in half an hour. He wouldn't be able to make it if he drops me now. "I will go on my own. Did you forget about the match?"

"But you are injured" I grabbed his hand and patted it. "I will be fine. I will call dad. He is at home now" his shift changed so he will be going to work in evening. Once I assured Jimin about it I left the school and called my dad.

I hang up after few minutes and started walking towards home as he couldn't pick me up. He has an emergency at work so he had to go early. I kicked a stone on the ground in irritation. Initially I was planning on practicing some time since Jungkook wasn't in school. He left in the afternoon and no one knows where he went. I didn't plan on roaming around the school but I was too occupied with thoughts and ended up near basketball court.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize I didn't take right which I was supposed to take for home route. I decided to take a shortcut to reach home. I was walking through the small alleys when I found familiar back. I squinted my eyes and looked at the person who was few meters away from me. That person glanced around him giving me a small view of his side profile. My eyes widened when I realized it is Jake.

What is he doing here?

He seems to be suspicious with the way he is glancing around. I haven't seen Jake after that party night. He didn't try to contact me either. I didn't bother about deal either with those people who beat him but now that I saw Jake I was curious to know about it. I know it could be troublesome if I follow him but I couldn't stop myself.

You know what they curiosity killed the cat but it did bring satisfaction too. So I followed him quietly making sure he didn't find me. After walking around for fifteen minutes he stopped at an old building. He tapped twice before the door opened from inside. He fist bumped the person and they both entered inside. I ran quickly and went inside before the door closed.

Those two didn't wait to close the door so they didn't see me. I turned around and checked around the surroundings. Entire placed was dimly lit with blue lights. It was very hard to see after coming inside from out. I waited till my sight is adjusted before walking inside. I didn't dare to walk in main route afraid someone might see me. It looked like a deserted building and the place I am standing is the parking lot of the building.

No one was in sight for as long as I can see so I decided to leave. I stopped mid step when I heard loud cheers in the distance. I walked towards the sound and saw a small crowd around something. Now that I am close to the cheers I can see few people. They all looked to be bulky man who seemed like criminals and they were accompanied by girls.

Hair on my neck stood as I realized this is not safe at all. I decided to leave quickly but I was stopped by an arm. I looked up and saw a bulky man who seemed to be in his thirties with a few lackeys behind him. His entire arms were covered in tattoos and he held a small gun in his hand. "Who are you kid?" his voice seemed scary but he wasn't being rude. I can see he was genuinely curious about me. "I am -" I looked behind him and saw they were all eyeing me like a piece of candy.

Even if he is kind to let me go they wouldn't so I decided to use the only name I know. "I am wit Jake but I missed him in the crowd" I said pointing towards the crowd. Though it wasn't that big crowd one could definitely miss one in the loud cheers and people so my lie seemed plausible. He eyed me up and down and I consciously moved my bag toward my front. He looked at one of his men and nodded. He left instantly while others waited for him.

I tried to leave but he stopped me. "What's the rush? Jake will be here soon" I hope Jake wouldn't bail on me in front of these guys. "Hank, what is it?" I heard familiar voice of Jake. "Do you know her?" Jake looked at me and his eyes widened. "Yeah, I know her" he placed his arm over my shoulder and thanked Hank for keeping me company. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Do you even know about this place?" Jake hissed at me making me flinch. "Sorry I was curious" I smiled at him sheepishly making him bewildered. "Just stick with me until we leave" I saluted him before following him quietly. He took off a hoodie on the way and showed it to me. "Wear it and keep the hood on" I followed his instructions and once I was done he took me to the cheering crowd.

I moved through the bodies to the front of the crowd. It took me few minutes to get there but Jake grabbed my hand and made sure to keep me by his side. Once we reached the front I can look more clearly. That is when I realized it is a boxing match. There was a small ring in the middle with two teams. By the looks of it, it is definitely illegal one.

I looked around to see who is going to fight. I saw one of them leaning on the ring with gloves on his hand. He wasn't that impressive and was glaring in certain direction. I followed his direction and saw a young man wearing mask. He took off his mask when the small bell rang. My widened in shock and I gasped when I saw the familiar face.

Standing on the opposite ready to fight is none other than Jungkook. 


Hello readers... I have started a  new book BTS book. I will be uploading both the stories simultaneously. Hope you like it. 

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