Chapter 2: Just Stay Far Away

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Like I said, most curses are frauds, but that doesn't mean they all are. By far I believe this one to be the most nightmarishly evil, with either the paranoia as if there is someone or something watching you, or the shadows peeking and vanishing around corners. The worst is undoubtedly how long this can last. It all started about 8 years ago, I was on the computer in my computer lab part of the day searching up curses and I came across this very specific one where if you know the name and any who are afflicted by it you will be plagued by the paranoia and shadows. Like most of the curses I just decided to ignore it and pass it off as another fraud too.

A week had gone by and I thought that all I did was scare myself. But soon the shadows started appearing and vanishing. I started having this horrible fear that someone was behind me... Watching me... I should've done my work then instead of looking up those damn curses... I hoped it'd just go away... To my surprise, it did. But it didn't stay that way for very long...

Three days... three long and painful days. I had shadows appear and dissappear out of the corner of my eyes. I kept looking over my shoulder hoping to at least find someone,  but I never would. Eventually I asked mom if she'd seen shadows to. Much to my dismay she said no, but she allowed me to sleep in her bed that night. To my pleasure they were gone, no shadows, no feelings of being watched, nothing, Just a feeling of calm, so I thought.

That lasted until the start of last year. Those shadows, they're back, although they aren't shadows any more. They're even appearing more often, and started whispering, but I can't understand them, it's incomprehensible gibberish. That feeling of being watched has turned into a dreadful feeling of malice. The whispers gradually would get louder and louder, still sounding like gibberish, until a little over half a year where I could finally make out what it's been saying this whole time. At the time I didn't  understand what it meant but now i do. Four words, "you won't be missed."

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