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'Here, your "stuff" get out of my house, you're not part of this clean family anymore, you're such a disgrace, disgusting,' She spat in his face.



'Also, I will give you twenty minutes to get out of my house, if you don't leave by then, you're dead,' The mother growled and slammed the door. Trembling, he gets up slowly and grabs his things, limping to his room to check. It was stripped bare and trashed, it looked as if a wild animal had gone loco and threw a tantrum in the room.

He went around the room, stomping the floor until he heard a creak, lifting up the loose floorboard, cash worth about 5 million won was stashed. How did he get the money? Hybrids are considered high class people, only humans are ever in poverty, less than 2% of hybrids are in poverty.And since, TaeMin here has a cute face and cute personality, of course his bosses [who are hybrids] pay him quite...well.

Grabbing the leftover cash, he sprinted out the door as fast as he can, not forgetting the bag of stuff his "mom" threw at him. retreating to an alleyway, he could hear his "mom" humming as she entered the house.

'Whew, that was close, if I left something in there...I'm doomed,' He mumbled and started searching his bag.

'Clothes...oooh my fashionable ones are in here! Nice! My laptop, geez...my art shiz...damn, it's like she abused them...or was that me? Charger...glasses...yes! My skin care! I'm saved!' Did she take my ds?! WHY?! Of all things she could take...;-; oh! My mangas are all here...nice! Looks like I've got everything except my ds,' he muttered.

'Excuse me? Why are you muttering to yourself while searching through a duffel bag? Did you steal that?' A voice asked, which scared the life out of our male protagonist.

'Eek, uhhh...hi?' He squeaked, slowing looking up to the owner of the voice who confronted him. His grey eyes met the other's light brown ones.

'Umm, hi?' The other male said, his deep voice rang through the alleyway.

'I..didn't steal this, this is actually mine! I...just got kicked out of my house...haha,' TaeMin chuckled awkwardly as he stood up. The other male sniffed the air slightly, a peculiar scent filled his nose, his grey ears perked at the strawberry and rosy smell, a tint of sweet scent. A scent that made him want to engulf the small male in arms, protecting him from the world. He licked his lips unconsciously.

'Sir, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to leave,' TaeMin frowned, snapping the hybrid out of his thoughts. TaeMin didn't feel safe in front of wolf hybrid that towers him...by a lot. TaeMin himself is only 175cm which is 5'6 [Don't know if that is correct I'm not from america]

Leaving immediately before the hybrid could answer, he booked it down the street towards his university.

'What was the point of the question?' The hybrid sighed.

'HYUNG!' Another voiced called out, it was rather high pitched but it was a male.

'What is it?' The wolf growled.

'N-nothing much, just wondering where you went, I've gotten the sauce Jin-Hyung needed,' The high pitched voice replied, it belonged to a cat hybrid, his blonde ears fell flat to his face when the dominant wolf growled, he didn't like to hear the wolf angry, it meant he would break stuff.

'Great, we could leave,' The wolf sighed and started walking back to the car.

'Jin-Hyung tries too hard to cook the best food, I don't get why we have to go to the bad side of town just to get this sauce,' The cat said while he examined the ingredients used for the sauce.

'I find Jin-Hyung's cooking perfect,' The wolf hummed. The cat just chuckled in response.


TaeMin got on the last train ride for the day, he was thinking to stay the night with Rose but, with how strict the school is about hybrid and human staying together if they are not mates, TaeMin was banned to enter the YG Dorms. Not because it was boy and girl, but human and hybrids. In TaeMin's mind it was completely stupid to him, he didn't mind the rule it's just that he would usually stay over at Rose's since his roommate...brings his mate over...every single day. He didn't appreciate the noise. But because of how unfit he is, he can't keep quiet and sneak out of the window properly for morning classes.

You; ROSIE...Can I stay over?

Rosie; Minty you're banned remember?

You; Yea, but my mom kicked me out and I have no where to go ;-;

Rosie; WHAT?! Poor minty, not today k? I can't

You; WHy?

Rosie; Guest

You; Booooo

Rosie; Sorry, as much as I love the idea I can't, go with...Bobby or someone

You; Bobby-Hyung is out of town

Rosie; Try...Tzuyu?

You; I-

Rosie; You?

Rosie; You what? Minty reply me! Don't scare me

Rosie; You probably need to cross the road or something

Rosie; I'll give you ten minutes before I call the police

Rosie; Please answer me

TaeMin was about to answer before bumping into someone, his phone dropped to the ground. Before he was walking back to the dorm, just right outside the door when this mysterious figure bumped into him.

'Watch where your goi-

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