Chapter 3 - Long Time No see.

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Tom's expression was a mix of surprise and happiness it was so long since he didn't see his friend.. Tom was extremely happy to see that his friend was fine .He was thrilled to talk to him again and tell him everything he ran to the short boy and shouted

"Edd! What are you doing here ?! I thought you moved back to the US with your parents!"

Edd was one of Tom's best friends with Matt and Tord ..they would talk a lot over internet and discord but It as so better to see him for real! Tom and Edd once were a thing but the distance separating them was too problematic ..But now the two Brit boys were the bestest friends there could be ..and what about Tord ..? Nah..Tord was more than Edd..he was ..more..just more. Tom snapped out of his when Edd explained to Tom the reason of his presence with his very strong British accent.

"haha! Glad to know you are happy to see me Tom..! Yeah I was supposed to move back there but my dad got a new work here so I got placed in this school .! When I saw your name i was so excited !"

Tom was so happy..he could finally stop being bullied because of Tord's absence ..Edd was kind of like a mom to Him since Tom's parents were working late in the night and too early in the morning to even make a single eye contact .

"Woah! It's so weird you changed so much! What about matt? Have you seen him recently? "

Edd was a friend of Matt too. The three boys were very close before Tord moved from Norway to here ..not to say that Tord ruined their friendship. In fact, he made them closer than ever ..It is true that both Tom and Tord were devastated when Edd and Matt has to move out because their parents either had financial issues or for transferred parents due to their work .

" I talk to him when I can over discord but the distance is still a problem...Oh! And how's Tord?"

As Tom heard the name of Tord ..his heart missed a beat ..he would hear the teacher call his name everyday without any answer ... it was some kind of melody that Tom hated ..the fact that it was Edd who asked this brought Tom to tears ...he fall onto his knees crying while trying to hide his sadness as much as he can but Edd wasn't stupid ...

"Tom! Hey you okay?! Hey! Hey !"

Tom was quiet..yet he was crying so much .. ..  hearing his name was a pure pain like if he got stabbed in the heart ...Edd kept on trying to comfort The tall teenager but nothing would work...all he had on his mind was his friend ...A voice suddenly shouts to Tom with a strong accent that he could recognize between thousands ...TORD..


Tom looked up at where the voice came from ..he couldn't Believe was him...Tom looked up his eyes still swollen with tears 


Tom stood up and ran to Tord ..he didn't think twice and jumped on his best friend to give him probably the most painful hug of his life . As tord hit the ground with tom on top of him he lets out a small squeak but in the end he doesn't really care . As he open his eyes to see what really happened he noticed tom on top of him . His cheeks are as red as his Hoodie ..Tord tries to let out word but nothing but bits of sentences comes out of his mouth...

"T-to-uh-..w..wh..we..Tom ...haiiiiii...."

Tom was full of anger ...happiness..sadness..he didn't think much as he hugged Tord


Tord was really confused but as he saw the smile on Tom's face he just closed his eyes and hugged his friend felt so good..they could finally hug again ...they could touch ..Tom was beyond pleased to see both of his friends come back to him ..

Tord grabs tom and runs to Edd taking them both in a group hug doesn't last long before the bell rings ...The teenagers all go to their classrooms and live this day like no other ....


After school was finally over Edd's parents picked him up leaving Tom and Tord alone ..
It was very embarrassing for both of them ..especially for  Tom ... he felt like he had butterflies in his stomach ..what was this feeling...?Tom then remembered that he still had to ask Tord the reason of his absence ..but this time ..without hurting his dear friend ..

"So...about..your absence ..why were you gone for so long ...?"

Tord seemed rather embarrassed to talk about his absence and why he was gone for so long ...He decided to tell the "truth" to his friend ...

"Oh! About that! I'm sorry I didn't warn parents had some ID and papers like that to deal with and they needed my presence in Norway ..!"

Tom had full trust in tord so he just believed him not trying to force it like last time ..The school bus stops at where Tom and Tord are used to get off the bus.. They walked next to each other to their house talking about the homework and the teachers sometimes letting out a small laugh which would make them slightly blush...Until they finally arrive in front of Tom's house which wasn't so far from Tord's .

"Well..I'll see you Tomorrow Thomas..? Oh and good luck for the Math test tomorrow..!"

Tom slightly blushed as he smiled at his friend his eyes were just so weirdly beautiful..this beige color ...almost looking like pearls ..made Tom completely melt...

He was in love ..with his best friend...

"Yeah.! Thanks ! Good luck to you too Tord..! I'll see ya tomorrow at the bus stop...!"

The two waved at each other in the distance as Tom walked to his house and checked his mailbox as usual ..most of the letters were addressed to his parents except one was for Tord ..

"Dammit..they messed up again .."

Onto the letter was written Tord's parents names and on the letter in capital letter was written a few word that captivated the attention of Tom's eyes .He read them out loud until his brain realized..

"h-hospital admission....?"


And that's already it for the Chapter 3! This one is actually quite long ..! More than 1000 words! It's just crazy how much I write hah- anyways ..! I will se you all on the next one ...!

Bye !

Next Chapter :

Chapter 4 : Tom The Mailman

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