chapter- 2

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9:20 am.

9 fricken 20 am.

 That's when the bus arrived.

I am getting so pissed I have missed the first whole period and will miss the second one. because the bus will take at least 20 minutes to drive me to school because I will be its 3rd stop to make.

This was one of the shittest days of the week .

I got on the bus and quickly headed to the back to sit and put my bag down and took over all the back seats thankfully no one came next to me.

Uh, I jinxed my self. some kid, made his way confidently to me with his chest slightly puffed up,I rolled my eyes as he leant against the empty seat in front of me smirking as he looked at me. I tried to smile back but the smell of his cologne blocked me from doing so.

"Hey, baby girl is this seat next to you occupied, if not I would love to occupy it with you,"-said a weird random kid with a mop as hair.

"Uh, yea mate it is by me," I told him trying to end this conversation as soon as possible I wasn't bothered for anyone.

"Okay," he said and gives me a dirty look and walks away.Looks like he wasn't pleased with my answer. Too bad for him. Well, that was dealt with I saw him head back to the front of the bus and sit next to this other girl and looked like he was trying to impress her now and it was working.

I opened my phone and saw that Kate one of my best friends had messaged me.

Kate-Where the hell are you

Kate-Why aren't you here?

Kate-Are you coming, you better come

Kate-Are you okay, is everything good,

Kate-reply to me and tell me I am getting worried about you

Kate-Amila answer your damn phone

I quickly replied telling her about my morning and how sorry I was that I had made her worried.

Kate Winston, she was one of my best friends we have been friends for about two years now I am so happy to have her in my life she is gorgeous, had golden hair that reached her curved waist she was tan as she used to live in Queensland near the beach, came here to Sydney two years ago and attended my school Jefferson High School and we have been inseparable since.

Then I went on my reminders app and wrote to take the stupid car down to the repair shop so I wouldn't have this issue again.

Now that I got all those out of the way, I can finally start this assignment.

"Oh my god" I accidentally said out loudI got a few wild stares by the people around me as, talk about embarrassing.this bus is too bumpy and I can't get anything down on the paper.

The bus slowly stopped, and I realised we have reached our first stop everyone got off except me and this older lady and her husband.I got to write a few words before the bus started again I had only 12 minutes and we would arrive at my stop so I needed to get anything on this paper to graduate year 12 and finally go to university.

Okay So...


Life, it means something different to everyone in this room it may mean to you like a challenge, a party, at a time to pray and worship God.But to me I don't know why I am here I don't know what people are mean to do but I guess it a time where you get out your desires and do what you want and take risks.

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