❇School Klutz❇

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(The video at the top is mainly a representation of how clumsy and a klutz he can be)

Name: Tobious "Tobi" Richards

Age: 19

Gender:  Male

Species: Human

Looks:  Tobi has natural blonde hair that he keeps at shoulder length.  He keeps a majority of it held out of his face with a headband but his bangs still fall out as the day goes by.  He has dark blue energetic eyes that are always looking around with excitement.  Depsite having these features, he dyes his hair a deep green color and puts in pink eye contacts with yellow near the bottom.  He has his ears pierced.  He has light freckles across his nose and cheeks along with pale skin.  Tobi stands at 5'7 and weighs about 154 pounds.  Usually is seen with bandages somewhere on him due to the many accidents he gets himself in around campus.

  Usually is seen with bandages somewhere on him due to the many accidents he gets himself in around campus

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Likes:  Sweets, jokes, helping people, his friends, and the nurse for being so patient with him

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Likes:  Sweets, jokes, helping people, his friends, and the nurse for being so patient with him.

Dislikes:  Making a fool of himself, how clumsy he is, the itchy bandaids, anchovies, and bullying.

Personality:  Tobi is a happy-go-lucky kind of individual who wears his heart on his sleeve.  He will do anything for a friend and is seen as very loyal by his peers due to this.  He is easily excitable.  Leading to him rushing into things and usually making a mess in the process.  This boy is extremely sweet and kind to everyone he meets, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a mean streak if provoked.  He's that one student that comes along that doesn't belong to any group but gets along with just about anyone.  He just has an extremely bright personality.

Backstory:  There's not much to say aside for the fact that he comes from a single parent home.  His mother takes care of him when she's not at work.  While Tobi cleans up the house and yard when he's back from school.  He doesn't know much about his dad aside for him hooking up with his mom before leaving her due to being engaged to someone at the time.  He knows she still misses the man she had gotten to know even if it was most likely a false persona the man put on.  Due to the stories of love and fairy tales his mother tells him, he has a strange outlook on romance.  He believes in love at first sight and true love's kiss.  Leading him to be overly romantic even if he has a small beginning of a crush.  Don't be surprised if he suddenly shows up to school with ten bouquets of roses and confesses to you simply because you helped him get something off a shelf.  He's a bit of a goofball in that regard and can seem like an airhead.  Tobi means well and was raised to be very helpful and romantic.  He does just about anything for his mother.

Position:  He's a more submissive switch.

Scenerio One: 
Tobi had gotten into another accident at the school.  Which just so happened to involve you as well.  More specifically, the two of you getting tangled up in the hall and tumbling down a few stairs.  It wasn't anything too serious aside for Tobi getting a sprained ankle with you receiving a few cuts and scrapes along your arms and back.  Usually everyone stays away from the accident prone boy in the halls but you were the unlucky one today.  Due to the sprained ankle, you even had to help him to the nurses office.  Which was happening right now.

"I'm really sorry... I truly am.  I didn't even see you or that rock in the hall."  Tobi says to you in a clearly frazzled manner.  He still had bandages from burning his arm the previous day in the science lab.  As well as a bandage around his head from a kickball incident last week.  Seeing his arm drapped around your waist with a majority of his bandaged body against yours wasn't that shocking given the hobbling he was doing because of his foot.  You didn't even know how the two of you fell down barely 3 stairs for him to end up with a sprained ankle, yet here you are.  "When we get there, you should get patched up first.  Your next class is important to you, right?"

Scenario Two:
You are the school nurse or the assistant school nurse.

It seemed as if everyday or every other day had one particular person show up with a new cut or bruise along his skin.  You wished they'd learn to take better care of themselves, but you did enjoy their company.  Though the last few weeks had began to involve receiving small tokens of appreciation.  Be it little candies to flowers you had both talked about when patching him up.  To put it more clearly, that person was Tobi.  He always brightened your day despite costing the school a pretty penny in medical supplies.

Today he seemed to of hurt his foot on the way to see you for a check up on his burn from his cooking class.  "Hi Mr. (Y/N), sorry to bother you again.  But at least we get to see each other."  Tobi announced with the usual bounce in his step, or hobble in this case, and excitement on his face.  You let out a sigh and smile at him.  Your break had just started too.  "Hello Tobi.  What do you need today?"  He shows you a swollen ankle and winces when you feel around it.  "I think I sprained it going down that last step to your office, but um...," He began to figgit in his seat. Tugging at the hem of his shirt while biting his lower lip, "that's not the only reason I came here."

Slowly Tobi pulls out a small red rose from his school bag.  It's slightly wilted with a petal close to falling off of the beautiful flower.  "I-I like you a lot, (Y/N)... and I wanted to thank you for always helping me."  Tobi leans up and places a light kiss on your cheek with a bashful look on his face.  How do you react to this confession?

Scenerio Three:
(We can discuss an idea you have or change one of the other scenerios to fit what you'd prefer to rp.)

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