Zone Part 1

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There is no such thing as safe in this world now, "zone" is a mystical purple fog, when you inhale it, it turns you into the darkest part of you. It turned thousands of people into mythological creatures. Now they roam the earth and a group of people who lost everything are here to save everyone, but at what cost?

The fog was spreading...I ran to my mother who was screaming, I watched as her hair turned white, the screaming soon after turned to screeching. Covering my ears I watched my father tear her throat out with...fangs...there was so much blood. Suddenly my arm was grabbed and I saw Derek pulling me away...running again. I jolted awake, panting and coughing. I took in my surroundings and realized I was in my room. I slide on my black boots and went to the kitchen to get a drink of water, that same nightmare...for the third time this week, jeez.


I turned around to see Emanuel, his red hair looked like it was glowing in the light and his bright green eyes, I continued to drink my water, slowly putting my knife back at my hip, knowing who it was lightly relaxed me, but I couldn't care less. I knew everyone had their reasons for fighting, but who cares? They'll die anyway.

"Something wrong? usually aren't up this late." he kept on.

"Mind your own business. Okay? I don't need someone who'll end up dead anyway looking out for me."

I could tell I offended him, I still didn't care.

"It's not like you to act cold. Sure you are obviously emotionless but not cold, so...whats up?" he said while smiling, god I hated when people did that


I said as I went back to my room, sitting on my bed I sighed. I knew It was impossible to get back to sleep so I went to the training room, seeing Hunter there, training with Blake. They both looked back at me, the light flickering against Hunters brown eyes made them look red, his brown hair lightly wet from the sweat, he was wearing a blue tank top, very tight against his body. You could see his abs lightly through it, then there was Blake, the trainer looked me up and down his blue eyes looked a bit like he would say something that would annoy me but knew he shouldn't, his blonde hair looked bright. He was wearing workout pants and a light white shirt.

"Need something?"

Hunter asked, raising an eyebrow. I found it weird he didn't hesitate to talk to me but I ignored it anyway

"She comes in here sometimes to get extra training in that she can't get in normal hours. She's an extraordinary trainee" Blake said.

"Trainee? I'm no longer a trainee."

He looked back at me with a weird smirk, clearly hunter caught on to his look and elbowed him

"What can we do for you Zuri?"

"You will die one day Hunter. So you can do nothing for me. I was going to practice balance."

I went to the beams that were almost ten foot in the air and climbed the rope, I heard a snicker below me and assumed it came from Blake. Closing my eyes I stepped on the beam, making it wobble for a second. I felt the guys below watching me but relaxed my breathing and walked across, almost falling but getting back in balance.

"Nice work trainee"

Blake called out below me. I looked at them, seeing that Hunter was leaving so I went down and looked at Blake who stretched and looked at me.

"Go rest. That's an order. We have a mission tomorrow, it will be you, me and Kayla"

I sighed

"She's weak Blake. We'll be the only ones doing anything."

"Zuri...why do you let your guard down with me?"

"I don't know, because I know you won't leave and die."

"No one knows who will die and who won't, we've all been here for 6 years now Zuri, loosen up with some people, not just me"

"Whatever," I said as leaving, back to my room and laying down.

--(when I do "--" it's a diff POV)

The sunlight woke me up that morning, I remembered it was my first mission with Zuri so I smiled and pulled on my blue hoodie and my shorts, then my black tennis shoes that wrapped around my ankles. I went to the mirror and put my hair up in the normal side ponytail. Seeing the light brown mess I was happy and went out, almost colliding with Jesse who did not looked pleased and I knew I would get into trouble but he only glared at me and continued on his way, I ran to the meeting room to see Zuri sitting on the window, she looked like she was going to cry but kill someone at the same time, her brown hair had streaks of blonde but she had it in her usual ponytail, she was very pretty so it was a shame what she went through

"Going to keep staring Kayla?" she said which made me jump

"I wasn't staring!" I yelled until someone covered my mouth, I relaxed when I saw Blake who looked bored

"Don't yell. Come now, girls. Let's go."

I nodded as Zuri grabbed her bow and arrows, putting them around her shoulder and walking out. I soon followed and got in the wagon with them. I looked at Blake who looked great as always. Zuri looked scary again, so I looked at the front of the wagon, the ground still had a slight purple tint to it from the mist but that little bit wouldn't do much

"Girls, we all have to work together okay? So that means no going off on your own, and if one of us turns. Kill them with no hesitation, but if we don't turn instantly and it takes a second stab them, that should bring them down and save their lives. Our mission is to scout for people. Understood?"

We both nodded and I felt myself growing worried but I smiled anyway.


Worried? Of course, I was worried. My childhood best friend was going to be away, on a very dangerous mission with not only the weirdest person in the history of weird but a very, very outgoing girl who wasted her time goofing off. I knew all who was here would be in the meeting room so I went. Sitting in my seat I looked around. I saw Emanuel looking serious for once, Hunter "weird" I thought to myself, he never really went around others, I also saw an annoyed Jesse, he was always pissed about something. I felt relieved when Emanuel pulled me out of there and to the kitchen


I asked he was clearly upset about something.

"Derek...Zuri is being colder then ever... weirder as if something's bothering her"

I looked at my hands and sighed, knowing she was stressed, Zuri always let her guard down with me and Blake so I wasn't too worried about that.

"First mission in a while is all..."


We got lightly spooked as Hunter came through the kitchen, he was usually so quiet until he saw us, his bored and tired look was a little alarming, he never left his study unless he was training, he was definitely the second strongest here and could easily show it. I sighed, he was the one who never gets affected by this "zone" yet he still worked the hardest for some reason. He looked between us his brown hair lightly giving was to show his covered eye, his eyes were a very light brown which for some reason matched perfectly with him. Then he walked away, none of us had even talked so I laughed some, making Emanuel smile and join in.

--I'm sorry if this is already too long. I will add more character views! Thank you for waiting. I'm also currently working on a  BTS fanfiction so they may both take time.--

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