jason's new form

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jason was fighting agaist bills

bills:not bad but i expect more you not trasform

jason:i make this an challage

bills:then you better step up you game

goku,vegeta and whis were watching the fight

goku:he manage to keep it up an his base form

vegeta:tch...i gonnad supass him and you kakarotto

whis:this is interesting

back to the fight

bill give jason an kick to the head

bills:you better take this serious

jason:all right then*turn into super saiyan*then i go to the next level!!

before jason feel something make stop on his tracks

jason:{w what is this!?}

bills:huh? why you stop

an that moment everyone notice how his start to change to mutiple colors

goku: wait what is happen to him?

vegeta:something is happen to his form

whis:olso there is something else

they feel then an huge increase of his ki as jason was cover and mutiple auras with difirent colors

goku:his ki sky rocket!!

vegeta:imposible he reach to our blue forms!

the aura increase more as well the ki

bill:impresive this could be an new form of super saiyan?


there was an intense light when that fade they see jason's new form

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there was an intense light when that fade they see jason's new form

there was an intense light when that fade they see jason's new form

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goku:wow that is new i never see an form

vegeta:is like an combination of all super saiyans

jason:wow*look to himseft*this is new

bills:interesting*walk aroud him and ispect him*this form can supass the blue forms by much but still there is more power hide whis

whis appear to his side along with goku and vegeta

bills:what you can tell me to his form

whis use his staff to check him

whis:wow this form have the abilities of other saiyans

jason:like black and broly

whis:yeah olso you have the power of the ultra insctict

goku:really!? wow jason you became super strong

vegeta:{this can't be he get more stronger than kakaroto}

jason:let me try something

jason:let me try something

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vegeta:you manage to summor black's scythe!


whis:and that just one of many abilities you can use

jason:hey whis how strong i am?

whis:all right now you can keep up to goku an ultra instict and full mode and that is just an little of you full pontecial

goku:woah that is awesone*look jason*image if you reach you maximu

jason:yeah how about test it

gokuagreed*look vegeta*let's go vegeta

vegeta:fine i gonnad beat you jason

bills:i join too that form can give the fight i was looking for

jason:all right!!

bills:olso thoses color remind to something back of earth...whis what it was the thing we see an the sky who have mutiple color

whis:that is an rainbow mr bills

jason:rainbow huh*look to his form*soo that is gonnad be his name...........super saiyan rainbow!!!

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