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00:00. The 4 numbers everyone spends their lives waiting for. The reason girls never go outside without looking their best. The time you are supposed to meet your soul mate. The one you spend the rest of your life with. I never believed in this shit. That a stupid watch could determine who I loved. I should be able to decide on my own. The watch is supposed to turn on once your 15 minutes away from meeting your soulmate. Once it reached 00:00, your fate was sealed. Everyone worships this dumbass watch. All my mom ever talks about is how meeting my Dad right when the time ran out was the best day of her life and how it was love at first sight blah blah blah... well now my dad's dead and she's left all alone. The stupid woman still wears her watch because she still has hope it's gonna hit 00:00 once again. She's just like everyone caught up in this stupid game: always dressing up, never taking off the damn watch, and looking for any sign she's gonna find love. Me on the other hand, haven't worn my watch in 3 years. My friends always nag me about how I'm gonna miss my match when it's time, but I just smile and think about how one day I'm gonna laugh in their face when they realize the system is false and love is not real.

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