Chapter 14 - Will you ?

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"And i'm giving her a chance be true to her feelings for once in her life"
this is the first time ever that jungkook is in a very close distance with park chaeyoung. Like really close.
jungkook is still stunned because of how close they are that he can't help but to admire her .He can see her little mole just below her chin. Her crescent moon eyes.
And of course. 'She's breathtaking' he thought and she still smells like strawberry just like she used to smell whenever she passes him in school.

One thought stuck. 'This closeness with her makes him greedy for more'

Meanwhile the other one is rolling her brain trying to think of a way to escape jeon jungkook which will most probably fail considering her past experience.
But because she felt so embarrassed mostly because she never in a million years imagine THE Jeon Jungkook is telling her that he Noticed her. Her. Park chaeyoung. She can't even look up to him because she knows that her cheeks is already red.

So she gathers her strength and suddenly out of nowhere jungkook felt a pain in his leg which caused by chaeyoung sudden kick to his shin. "What the.." and then she just run off to the elevator, this is probably the fastest she ever run in her life. once inside she push the button to go down but because she's such an angel and she felt so bad after she kick him which she is sure seems painful because she use her entire energy to her escape plan "so sorry" she shouted just before the elevator door closes.

This escape plan of hers was based on all of the cartoons that she ever watch since she was little. She still loves to watch cartoons until now. Thank god she remembers how tom always uses this method to escape from spike.

Inside the elevator she is holding her red cheeks "this is bad" and proceed to touch her heart that is beating so fast "chae you promised to not fall twice" she scold herself .Hitting her own head and from then on she decided to avoid him today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow at any cost.

When she arrived at her desk she know that she is late by 15 minutes "i am sorry that i'm late ! I promise that this will be the last time" she didn't dare to look up because she know that she will get some scolding but instead the sound of yelling she only hear silence before she look up slowly "that's okay . CEO-nim already call me to not scold you because you were helping him earlier" Mr. Baek said which surprise her but she quickly smile "that's right i-i was helping him earlier" she answer "you can go back to your desk now" and after that she bows politely.


"Stupid jungkook" he curses himself. He don't know what came over him earlier when he push her to confess her feelings to him. The urges of wanting  to hear her telling him that she love him. Not loved.

'And maybe if she did say that she still love me earlier then i would've als--" his thoughts stop 'would've also what jungkook?' He thinks to himself.

But he already know the answer. He always did. The answer was always there but he's just afraid to acknowledge it.
It was always the same answer.

'You did love her' he thinks 'and you still do'
There is a reason why his eyes always follows her. Knowing all of her habits. Her likes and dislikes. Her favorite color. Her love for food. There is a reason why he loves seeing the sparkle in her eyes whenever she saw something that amazed her.

And now after what he pull earlier, for sure that she will avoid him. Or try to avoid him. And now he feels more frustrated. "I'm such an idiot" he hit his head to the table.


It's already past 5 and here she is in her cubicle sitting nervously while continuously checking the window beside her to check jungkook's car. To make sure no any other coincidences will happen. So she wait patiently until his car has gone out of the parking lot.

And the other reason is her feet is currently felt like they might fall of from so many stairs that she climb and plus she's wearing heels. So she rather wait than to put such torment to her feet especially since the stairs between her floor and the lobby is really far. Like 27 floors far.

She suddenly stand up when she see his car already drove away. 'Finally' she thought, relief because she didn't have to wait too long. And before long she's already standing in front of the elevator while looking here and there in this quiet hallway because who knows.

Before she go to the bus stop she make a quick stop to a nearby convenience store to buy foods because she is starving. She didn't even dare to eat lunch with hobi because she's afraid that she's going to meet jungkook's there.

This is how much effort she put into this 'avoid him at all cost' plan. She sacrifices her stomach. 

She arrived safely at the bus stop and feeling successful because she did avoid him today.
While munching on her kimbap and an ice cream in hand for dessert waiting for the bus to come she suddenly remember the scene earlier this morning .

For Park chaeyoung , She could just easily blurted out her answer because it is there. Always. ' I loved and love you'. But for once in her life she didn't wanna chase something that she know will always be impossible.
"Once is enough" she mumble still in state of deep thoughts that she didn't realize that at the corner , jungkook is following her silently because he knows that she will do this. This is her traits. Hiding and avoiding.

So he makes a move. Because jeon jungkook is done being in denial. He's not going to repeat the same mistake that he did in highschool.


Suddenly she felt someone sit beside her while she is preparing to eat her dessert. She looks beside her "koo?! I mean CEO-nim ?" She backs away a little. "What are you doing here ?" She ask "waiting" he answer with a shrug "but i thought you went home , i saw your car drive away earlier" she chimed. 

"So you're avoiding me ?" He casually ask which makes her rambles comes out super quick "what ? No! Why would i avoid you ? No ! I will never do that" she exaggerates her voice to make it as believable as possible with a little bit of a forced smile.

"Good then. Don't ever avoid me" he suddenly turns all serious "and about this morning. You don't have to answer that and i'm sorry to put you in such position" he apologize which makes her all soft "that's okay CE-" he cut her "jungkook. For you. It's kookie or jungkook just not the CEO-nim" he stated with a clear dissatisfaction about her kept calling him formally.

"Okay kookie it is then" she giggled because she feels like even though he's built but he fits the nickname 'kookie'. And when she giggle, he also smile seeing her finally comfortable with him again. "Kookie suits you the best" she added with more giggles. If only she knows that he like that nickname just because of her.

he suddenly added. "Just let me ask one more question" he said "okay, ask away !" She said fully turn to him and feeling excited because she didn't have to continue her 'avoid him at all cost' plan and not missing her lunch tomorrow.

"Will you ?" He ask when they are face to face with each other for the second time of the day.
"Will i what ?" She furrowed her eyebrows confused written on her face.

"Will you let me come to you this time ?" He ask softly gazing at her.

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